
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Columnist: Obama can't cite a single accomplishment

Thomas Sowell, writing at Investor's Business Daily, says Emperor Barack Obama Has No Clothes. In other words, never has someone with so few credentials or achievements gotten so close to becoming president of the United States.

From Sowell's column:

Barack Obama is truly a phenomenon of our time. Here is a presidential candidate who cannot cite a single serious accomplishment over his entire career — that is, besides advancing his own career with rhetoric.

He has a rhetorical answer for everything. Those of us who talk about the threat of Iran are just engaging in "the politics of fear" according to Obama, something to distract us from "the real issues," such as raising taxes and handing out largesse with the proceeds.

Read the full column, "What Does Obama Have To Offer Aside From Smooth Talk And Adoring Crowds?" at the newspaper's Web site.

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