
Monday, May 19, 2008

'Blame environmentalist politicians' for high gas prices

This letter to the editor published in The Daily Local News in West Chester cuts to the heart of the problem with today's skyrocketing gas prices.

The "artificial shortage" of oil has been created by clueless U.S. politicians, mostly Democrats, but some Republicans, too.
Blame environmentalist politicians

All around us we have evidence of the politics of inflation, not just in how our elected officials are voting against the construction of new refineries or drilling for new sources of oil inside our borders. They are against any possible correction of the problem. And that includes culprits in both parties.

The artificial shortage of petroleum products, brought on by our elected representatives, has resulted in an ongoing strangulation of the American economy. While the politicians are accepting contributions from their lobbyist sponsorship with orders to continue this hoax, the inflation caused by the departing value of the dollar is tearfully being felt at all levels.

Here's some advice to the environmentalist politician: ask mothers who are pushing carts through the supermarket aisle how many trips they are planning to take this summer. Or have they changed the families' diets? Or are they going to join a swim club this summer?

Ask them what they think of $4 a gallon gasoline. Ask them to ask their mothers what it was like in the 1970s when the OPEC cartel artificially raised the price of a barrel of oil. When that happened, a spell of insecurity struck us for a while — but it was "hang in there" and fire the politician. That's a good suggestion for now.

In the meantime, whole industries are going under because they so depended on petroleum products. Pension checks and salaries are being snipped at the corners, causing so many of us to alter our lifestyle. People who have to travel long distances to work are angry now. And when $5 a gallon gasoline hits? It's going to be term-limitation time.

A final question for the environmentalist politicians: How long until you do something honest for us?

Nick Psoras
West Chester

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