The producers may want to quickly change the title to "The Lindsay Lohan Story: I Know Who Killed My Career" before its release July 27.
As we saw with the public backlash in the Paris Hilton episode, people have had it with stupid rich girls who thumb their nose at the law. Lohan was waiting a court date on a previous DUI arrest and was wearing a monitor to prevent her from drinking when she was stopped for DUI.
What happened to the little girl we fell in love with in Disney's "The Parent Trap"? That's 21-year-old Lindsay Lohan on the right in a booking mug shot released by the Santa Monica Police Department.
In case you haven't heard, Lindsay Lohan, fresh out of rehab and still facing a DUI charge, was arrested again early Tuesday on suspicion of drunken driving and cocaine possession.
I guess she didn't learn a thing from Paris Hilton's recent trouble with the law and her brief stay behind bars.
Maybe Lohan confused her real life with her latest movie role. She just wrapped up filming the psychological thriller, "I Know Who Killed Me," about a high school student, Aubrey Fleming, who disappears one night and is found two weeks later unconscious in the middle of the woods. Was she abducted and tortured by a sadistic serial killer? The traumatized girl insists that she is not who they think she is and that the real Aubrey Fleming is still in mortal danger.
Who was the crazed woman in the SUV? Was it Lohan's evil twin?
Maybe it wasn't special effects in "The Parent Trap" that allowed Lohan to play two roles. Maybe there are two Lindsay Lohans.
Police in Santa Monica, Calif., arrested Lohan after receiving a 911 call from a woman who claimed Lohan's SUV was chasing her. The caller turned out to be the mother of Lohan's assistant, who had just quit working for Ms. Lohan. Maybe Lindsay just wanted Mom to talk her daughter into going back to work for Lindsay. Or maybe Lindsay wanted revenge against the family? Who knows?
Less than two weeks out of rehab, with another drunken-driving case pending, Lohan had a blood-alcohol level of between 0.12 and 0.13 percent when police found her about 1:30 a.m., Sgt. Shane Talbot told The Associated Press. (California's legal limit for DUI is 0.08 percent).
Lohan attorney Blair Berk said her client had relapsed and was again receiving medical care.
"Addiction is a terrible and vicious disease," Berk said in a statement Tuesday.
Stupidity is an even worse condition.
I don't know about you but I'm sick of celebrity rehab stories. If these people want help, they can get the best treatment available. Unfortunately, we live in a society that rewards bad behavior. How can Linsday get her name back in the news, especially when her sisters in sluttiness, Britney Spears and Paris Hilton, are getting all the coverage? Get drunk and chase somebody in an SUV.
Here's more info from The Associated Press:
After a sobriety test, the 21-year-old movie star was booked on suspicion of two misdemeanor charges of driving under the influence and driving on a suspended license and two felony charges of possession of cocaine and transport of a narcotic, authorities said.
During a pre-booking search, police found cocaine in one of Lohan's pants pockets, Talbot said.
Several hours later, Lohan was released on $25,000 bail.
Last week, Lohan turned herself in to Beverly Hills police to face charges of driving under the influence in connection with a Memorial Day weekend hit-and-run crash.
Lohan lost control of her 2005 Mercedes SL-65 convertible and crashed into a curb and shrubs on Sunset Boulevard, police said. Lohan's blood-alcohol level at the time of that crash was above the legal limit, authorities said, but they wouldn't disclose how high it was. She also faces a misdemeanor charge of hit and run in that case.
A court date was scheduled in that case for Aug. 24.
Lohan left Promises Malibu Alcohol and Drug Rehab Treatment Facility on July 13, after a stay of more than six weeks.
When she left, publicist Leslie Sloan Zelnik said Lohan would voluntarily wear an alcohol-monitoring bracelet.
"In part she is wearing the bracelet so there are no questions about her sobriety if she chooses to go dancing or dining in a place where alcohol is served," Zelnik said in a statement at the time.
Padilla said he wasn't sure if Lohan — who had also checked into rehab for substance abuse treatment in January — was wearing it when she was stopped early Tuesday.
Since her release, Berk said, Lohan had been tested daily in order to support her sobriety.
"Throughout this period, I have received timely and accurate reports from the testing companies," Berk said. "Unfortunately, late yesterday I was informed that Lindsay had relapsed. The bracelet has now been removed. She is safe, out of custody and presently receiving medical care."
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