
Friday, May 09, 2008

Is Barack Obama smarter than a fifth grader?

I guess Barack Obama will ease up on the old-geezer remarks about John McCain.

Campaigning today in Oregon, Obama told a group of reporters that he is looking forward to becoming president of all 57 states. How's that again? Last time I checked the flag, we only had 50 stars. But whom am I to argue with a man who graduated from Harvard?

From the Los Angeles Times political blog, Top of the Ticket:
"It is wonderful to be back in Oregon," Obama said. "Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go. Alaska and Hawaii, I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit, but my staff would not justify it."
An LA Times reporter checked her tape recorder just to make sure she wasn't hearing things and the recording had Obama saying we had 57 states.

It was also reported that Obama misspoke at another campaign stop, expressing concern for the "100 million victims" of the cyclone in Burma. Officials estimated 70,000 to 100,000 victims, not 100 million.

Read the full post here.

If John McCain, 71, got the different militia groups in Iraq confused during a trip earlier this year, you can blame it on his advancing years, as the Democrats are so quick to point out. But what's Obama's excuse at age 46? Who doesn't know we have 50 states? And there's a difference between 100,000 and 100,000,000.

Early signs of senility? Or is it more evidence that Obama is not a stickler for details. It might be time for Obama to stop calling McCain an old man.


TexasFred said...

OK, consider this stolen...

I will link back with full credit though...

I may use it but I won't 'claim' it... Great piece Tony...

Anonymous said...

I am from Canada. You forgot to mention that one of the first statements that Barack Obama made after declaring his Presidency was that the first thing he would do after being elected President was to meet with the PRESIDENT of Canada. I did a double take on hearing that strange quote and thought "who is this idiot?" I have never thought highly of him since then.

Canada is the biggest US trading partner, the biggest supplier of oil, and has the longest undefended border in the world with the US. I would be a months pay that every 5th grader in the US knows that the leader of my country is a "PRIME MINISTER" and it has been that way for 141 years.

Anonymous said...

Good for you. Gotcha! You'd have to be a lot dumber than a 5th-grader to believe that Barack, a former professor of constitutional law, actually doesn't know the number of states in the union. But I'm sure that won't stop Fox News from putting it on the spin cycle and pretending it's an honest issue.

Politicians should be held accountable for what they said. Hillary flat-out lied about the sniper fire in Bosnia. And John McCain deserves what he gets for lying about voting for Bush in 2000. And even Barack's comments about "bitter" Pennsylvanians deserved the scrutiny they received. But let's face it: we all misspeak and after 18 hours a day of campaigning for months on end, we need to give people a little slack.


What's so impressive about Obama graduating from Harvard? Didn't George W. Bush graduate from Yale?

John said...

Further, anyone here who believes that if McCain had said it, it would have been blabbed all over the MSM as a sign of his senility, raise you hands. Now, let's not always see the same hands......