
Thursday, May 08, 2008

How about a McCain-Ron Paul ticket?

I keep hearing all these names of little-known governors being mentioned as potential running mates for Sen. John McCain, but why isn't anyone talking about Ron Paul as vice president on the GOP ticket?

Despite scant finances and a near total shutout by the mainstream media, Ron Paul has reached millions of voters with his grassroots campaign. And this just in: Ron Paul has reached the No. 1 spot on the New York Times Best Seller List.

Ron Paul's newest book, "The Revolution: A Manifesto," has been selling lots of copies since its release on April 30. The book is also the best-selling political tome on

McCain should give Ron Paul serious consideration for the VP slot. Ron Paul could deliver a lot of independent and Libertarian voters to the GOP, especially against a far-left Democrat like Barack Obama. Did you read the latest column by liberal icon Nat Hentoff about how extremist Obama is on the abortion issue. It takes a lot for Hentoff to call a fellow liberal extremist, but he does in "Infanticide candidate for president."

And speaking of Obama, Fred Barnes, writing at National Review, floats the idea of an Obama-Ed Rendell ticket for the Democrats.


Anonymous said...

Won't happen. If McCain's strength is on national security issues, having a national ticket heading in two different directions will give us the worst of both worlds.

Anonymous said...

Scant finances???? Since when is over 34 million dollars considered scant?