
Friday, March 05, 2010

Newspaper: Pennsylvania pays rent on empty office

Your tax dollars at work. No wonder Pennsylvania has run up a $4 billion budget deficit in the past two years.

From a story by Debra Erdley in The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:
One state agency's cost-cutting left Pennsylvania taxpayers holding the tab for $108,000 a year for an empty office Downtown.

By the time the state Insurance Department decided to close its regional Consumer Affairs Office in October to save $93,000 a year, the state had signed a lease for a 5,500-square-foot office in Piatt Place.

As a result, taxpayers pay about $9,000 a month for an empty space.

The department's Pittsburgh regional office was supposed to move into Piatt Place when the State Office Building closed in November. But one month earlier, the agency informed the Department of General Services it was eliminating the office in order to cut costs because of the state's financial shortfall.
Read the full story at the link below:

Pennsylvania pays rent on empty office - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

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