
Friday, March 26, 2010

Union of Unemployed: 'First Things First'

Now that the euphoria over Obamacare is starting to die down, can we focus on the 31 million unemployed and underemployed Americans?

That's what the group Ur Union of Unemployed is saying.

From a UCubed press release:
The most urgent social justice issue confronting the nation at this moment is not health care, not banking reform and not climate change – it is the abandonment of 31 million unemployed and underemployed Americans.

"These are desperate hours for America's unemployed," said Rick Sloan, acting director for Ur Union of Unemployed. "And the failure of lawmakers to respond in a meaningful way is pushing many beyond their ability to cope."

Ur Union of Unemployed, also known as UCubed, is calling for a large and immediate response to the crisis, with federal funds being allocated to employ millions of jobless Americans at the state, local and federal level.
Read the full release at the link below:

Union of Unemployed: 'First Things First'

1 comment:

Stealth said...

The more unemployed, the more people without health insurance. Obama loves it! This is why he wasn't too interested in creating real jobs, only future Democrat voters.