
Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Columnist blasts Joe Hoeffel on ethics hypocrisy

Veteran Montgomery County government reporter Margaret Gibbons is not one to mince words when she spots a phony.

Case in point: Montgomery County Commissioner and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Joe Hoeffel, who has stepped one one ethics land mine after another in his return to county government.

From Gibbons' latest column:
Say it ain't so, Joe!

Montco Commissioner Joseph M. Hoeffel III, a self-styled reformer extraordinaire during his various campaigns for office, is now claiming he is living up to the "spirit" of a reform measure that he introduced during his first go-around as a commissioner although, perhaps, not to the "letter" of that reform measure.

Give me a break!

Either you are following the county regulation, which deals with the hiring of professionals, or you are not. Seems real simple to mortal me.

Even lamer is the claim that prior administrations ignored the regulation.

Remember when you were a kid and whined, "But everyone is doing it." Recall the answer you got from your parents? Thought so.

On the same issue, why did the county's so-called fiscal watchdog, Democratic Controller Diane Morgan, need a kick in the butt from Republican Commissioner Bruce L. Castor Jr. to do her job in making sure the commissioners were following all laws when it comes to awarding professional service contracts?

Morgan said she did not know about the county regulation until Castor brought it to her attention.

Guess what, folks, it's her job to know and the job of her solicitor to advise her. You would think they could do a little homework before toting their county paychecks to the bank.
Read the rest of Gibbons' column at The Doylestown Intelligencer Web site.


Crusty said...

"Reformer"....... What a joke? Hiring his coronies, created positions when he ran out of jobs to give them , ignoring County laws and giving out no bid contracts to his political contributors. This guy and his morally deficient crew should be brought up on charges.

Controller Morgan better get smart. The ambition of this egomaniacal narcissist is going to sink alot of people when he goes down

Anonymous said...

I posted this before but Hoeffel and his hanger-ons just do not get it. Then again, what do they have too loose but other people's money. So here goes again...........

The problem with Joe Hoeffel is he is a typical "Ham & Egger" with an ego almost as big as his forehead. For those unfamiliar with the term "Ham & Egger" it is a Boxing Club term used to describe a club fighter who can not move up into the rankings. Joe's ego tells him that being a U.S. Congressman means something as the club fighter thinks he has potential because he beat every one in the club.

Being elected to U.S. Congress means you were successful in beating the candidates from two clubs by any means necessary. But when he attempted to move up to the senatorial ranks he was sacrificed by the party loosing to Specter by 11% margin. With further visions of his own grandeur he attempted to run for the party's nomination for Lt. Governor against Knoll. Realizing he didn't have the potential "Don King ", fast Eddie, told him to drop out and rewarded him with a DEPUTY SECRETARY position for following orders. Deputy Secretary is a gratis jobs for a club fighters who behave. Why do we need Deputy Secreataries when the Secretary doesn't do anything?

Joe Hoeffel dosen't get it. Joe you have "petered out". One thing Hoeffel did learn from his attempt in the big leagues was how to treat people who have no potential and it is reflected in the Hoeffel Matthews relationship.