
Friday, February 12, 2010

Heated Blizzard: Arguing With Idiots

Investor's Business Daily notes that there's no arguing with Global Warming Alarmists. If it's cold, it's because of Global Warming. If it's hot, it's because of Global Warming. Case closed. Just accept it ... and drink more of that Kool Aid.

From a new editorial in the newspaper:
Will global warm-mongers admit that this winter's heavy snow in the East weakens their position? Of course not. They insist the record flurries are confirmation of their bogus theory.
Read the full editorial at the link below: - Heated Blizzard


Ellen said...

You won't find many scientists arguing that the nearly unprecedented lack of snow for the Winter Olympics in Canada has anything to do with global climate change, but you will find a lot of people, particularly conservatives who seem to be ignorant of the difference between 'climate' and 'weather'.

FYI: warmer climate will cause higher ocean temperatures, which means more ocean water evaporating. ... More water in the air results in more precipitation on earth. This is where snow comes from. Just sayin...


Here's liberal logic at its finest. The far left wants you to believe that global warming has nothing to do with the weather ... when it doesn't back up its claims. If it's hot, it's global warming. If it's cold, it's global warming. If it's wet, it's global warming, etc. Just keep sending your money to Al Gore and everything will be fine.