
Monday, October 12, 2009

We've seen enough of Obama job-killing agenda

Ralph Reiland, who teaches economics at Robert Morris University in Pittsburgh, has some advice for Barack Obama, who is presiding over one of the worst job climates in U.S. history and appears to be making the situation worse with his job-killing agenda.

Obama needs to learn from Ronald Reagan on how to revive the economy, Reiland argues.

From Reiland's most recent column:
By the end of the Reagan presidency in 1988, the unemployment and inflation rates had dropped, respectively, to 5.4 percent and 4.2 percent. This economic success particularly benefited those at the bottom, who could least afford double-digit price increases, and it helped the jobless -- the millions who moved from unemployment to a paycheck.

Reagan's economic successes were produced by tax cuts and a program of smaller government. Obama, proposing the exact opposite, is likely to get a result that's the exact opposite of success.
We've seen enough - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

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