
Friday, August 21, 2009

Report: Obamacare is Bad Medicine for PA

The Commonwealth Foundation has released a report showing that President Obama's proposed takeover of health care by the federal government would have dramatically negative effects on Pennsylvanians.

The report, written by a research team headed by noted economist and former presidential advisor Dr. Arthur Laffer, entitled, "The Prognosis for National Health Insurance: A Pennsylvania Perspective," finds that President Obama's health care proposal would have the following effects:
* It would add $4,453 in additional health care costs for every man, woman, and child in Pennsylvania.

* Despite the additional $1 trillion in expected health care subsidies, 30 million people nationally would remain uninsured. The cost to reduce the number of uninsured by 16 million is $62,500 per person insured.

* Pennsylvania's economic growth in 2019 compared to the baseline scenario would be reduced by 5.1 percent.
The 44-page report is available for download at The Commonwealth Foundation Web site.

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