Historian Barack Obama said today that Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts is the "greatest senator of our time."
Obama is only 48, so did he mean of the past 50 years? Isn't that a slap against his own Vice President Joe Biden, who served in the Senate from 1973 to 2009? What is he, chicken liver?
And what about Lyndon Johnson, who served in the Senate from from 1949–1961, including six years as Majority Leader?
Or for that matter, John F. Kennedy or Robert F. Kennedy? They had brief careers in the Senate, but who wouldn't pick them over Ted Kennedy?
From the JFK Library archives: In 1957, Senator John F. Kennedy headed a committee that selected five senators as the nation's greatest.
The final report of the Special Committee recommended five Senators whose portraits were placed in the Senate Reception Room. They were the following:
Henry Clay of Kentucky
John C. Calhoun of South Carolina
Daniel Webster of Massachusetts
Robert Marion La Follette of Wisconsin
Robert A. Taft of Ohio
Here's the full text of Obama's statement on the death Tuesday of Sen. Kennedy:
Michelle and I were heartbroken to learn this morning of the death of our dear friend, Senator Ted Kennedy.
For five decades, virtually every major piece of legislation to advance the civil rights, health and economic well-being of the American people bore his name and resulted from his efforts.
I valued his wise counsel in the Senate, where, regardless of the swirl of events, he always had time for a new colleague. I cherished his confidence and momentous support in my race for the presidency. And even as he waged a valiant struggle with a mortal illness, I've profited as president from his encouragement and wisdom.
An important chapter in our history has come to an end. Our country has lost a great leader, who picked up the torch of his fallen brothers and became the greatest United States Senator of our time.
And the Kennedy family has lost their patriarch, a tower of strength and support through good times and bad.
Our hearts and prayers go out to them today — to his wonderful wife, Vicki, his children Ted Jr., Patrick and Kara, his grandchildren and his extended family.
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