Rep. Joe Pitts, R-16th, has added a second town hall meeting for Thursday night.
From a press released issued today by Pitts' office:
Rep. Joe Pitts will hold a town hall meeting to discuss health care reform legislation Thursday, August 27, at Conestoga Valley High School, 2110 Horseshoe Road, Lancaster, from 6:30-8:30 p.m.Originally posted at THE CENTRIST
Residents of the 16th District are encouraged to come and ask questions about the legislation currently working its way through Congress and Rep. Pitts' own views about the best way to improve health care for all Americans.
This town hall is in addition to a meeting in September that will be scheduled after House Democratic Leadership releases the version of H.R. 3200, the health care reform bill, which will be considered on the House floor. The bill was considered by three separate committees, including the Energy and Commerce Committee on which Rep. Pitts serves. Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the three chairmen of these committees are currently working on a bill that could be significantly different from the original legislation.
Throughout the month of August, Rep. Pitts has met with concerned citizens to discuss health care including Rotary Clubs, Chambers of Commerce, hospital administrators and doctors and senior citizens communities. Additionally, Rep. Pitts held a telephonic town hall that reached out to 89,000 residents and answered live questions about health care reform and other subjects.
Rep. Pitts Statement Follows:"Nothing is more important to me than hearing from my constituents. In the many meetings I have had with them this month they have expressed to me a multitude of concerns with the current system but also with the proposed legislation. I look forward to meeting many more 16th District residents on Thursday night in an open forum where I can share my views, listen to concerns and opinions and answer questions.
"We need healt hcare reform but the right kind of reform. We need to make sure every American can get health insurance, even if they have a pre-existing condition. We need to bring down the cost of insurance by creating real competition and consumer choice. We need a compassionate, effective system that controls costs and takes care of every American. But also we need responsible reform that will not be a costly burden to our children and grandchildren."
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