
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Clintons think Obama is a loser

Why won't Hillary Clinton give up?

There's a fascinating story in Politico about why the Clintons (as in Bill and Hill) believe deep down that Barack Obama will sink the Democratic Party in November.

From "What Clinton wishes she could say" by reporters John F. Harris and Jim VandeHei:
Rip off the duct tape and here is what they would say: Obama has serious problems with Jewish voters (goodbye Florida), working-class whites (goodbye Ohio) and Hispanics (goodbye, New Mexico).

Republicans will also ruthlessly exploit openings that Clinton — in the genteel confines of an intraparty contest — never could. Top targets: Obama's radioactive personal associations, his liberal ideology, his exotic life story, his coolly academic and elitist style.
Someone should get a copy of this story to the John McCain campaign.

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