
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

'Obama Nation'

Drip ... Drip ... Drip ... Drip

If you don't take care of the slow leak, it soon becomes a deluge.

The latest case of "foot-in-mouth" disease exhibited by Sen. Barack Obama is part of a pattern that paints a picture of an elitist politician who thumbs his nose at the common man. (Not that Hillary Clinton is any better, but let's beat up one one Democratic contender at a time, shall we?)

The Democratic Party is about to nominate another rich, over-educated, out-of-touch politician.

Read the editorial in today's Investor's Business Daily about what this country might be like under President Obama.
Many pundits call it a gaffe, but we see Barack Obama's remarks to a bunch of San Francisco Democrats about small town people in Pennsylvania as a revelation, the newspapers says. The remarks of our first "post-racial" presidential candidate go a long way towards explaining how he could listen to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright talk about the "United States of White America" for two decades.
Obama's disdain for small-town America, with its religious values and belief in Constitutional rights, is palpable. Obama represents San Franscisco values.

Click here to read "Obama Nation."

There's also a good column by David Brooks of The New York Times called "A Speech About Nothing," referring to Barack Obama's economic plans.

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