
Monday, April 07, 2008

Dodd compares Obama to Abraham Lincoln

I thought Barack Obama was the messiah, but Sen. Christopher Dodd is now comparing the freshman Illinois senator to Abraham Lincoln.

Yes, he actually said that to an audience in Reading, Pa.

Read the story at the Reading Eagle Web site.

"Character is more important than experience," the U.S. senator from Connecticut told a mostly college-age crowd. In other words, the presidency can serve as on-the-job training for Obama, who has never run anything.

For those of you who aren't drinking the Kool Aid, let me remind you that Sen. Obama is an empty suit. He's a smooth talking liberal who has served in the Senate for two years.

He has not solutions to any of the country's problems other than "hope." That and $3.50 will buy you a gallon of gas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did he forget Lance too?

But on a serious note, did anyone else have a minor stroke after Obama's corp. windfall (Exxon) tax penalty commercial?

Unless I missed the part of corporate tax refund for extraordinary corp. loss?

Exxon spends billions of $ a year searching for oil they can't drill for because of a bird and for refineries they can't build!

The single most profitable entities of the gas price increases are the state and federal governments