
Monday, April 07, 2008

Democrats are the party of the rich

How dumb are Democrats?

Does anyone who supports Hillary Clinton actually believe this multi-millionaire can relate to working class Americans?

There's no difference between John Edwards and Hillary Clinton except Edwards spends more to get his hair done. Both are part of the elite establishment who are out to make their rich friends richer.

Let's stop playing the class war games and pretend Hillary Clinton is going to help the middle class.

It was Bill Clinton's trade policies that send hundreds of thousands of American jobs overseas. It was Bill Clinton's unwillingness to deal with the U.S. dependence on oil that led us to today's record-high gas prices. It was Bill Clinton's appeasement of terrorists that led to 9/11.

The last thing this country needs is to put the Clintons back in charge.

The National Center for Policy Analysis offers this interesting post on its Web site about how "New York Senator Hillary Clinton and her husband spend a lot of time on the Presidential trail deploring the "wealthy" and "well-connected." As their newly released tax records for 2000 to 2007 show, they know of whom they speak, says the Wall Street Journal."

Read the full post, "CLINTON TAX LESSONS" here.

Read the Wall Street Journal editorial here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If the Clintons really feel for the working class...why in the world would they have chosen New York as their home after his Presidency? Little Rock gave him and his family their start in life & politics. It is a poor/medium class state - so it surely could use their help/wealth. Oh yes they prefer to vacation up on the coast with the Kennedys & Kerrys or has that all changed??
My savings/Annuity retirement plan (no retirement plan offered where I worked) - really took a beating back in 1991 - 2001 and it just started its comback in 2003, so the Republican Congress must be doing something right. My husband & I each worked over 48 years so that our children could further their education and we could retire in a comfortable manner -- but the Clinton Administration Taxes did not help us one bit...don't believe their garbage.