
Monday, August 19, 2024

It’s All About the Revolution: Ten Techniques Marxists Have Deployed to Gain Influence

It’s All About the Revolution: Ten Techniques Marxists Have Deployed to Gain Influence: For an ideology born in a library to an loathsome scholar, Marxism has never shied from world conquest.  Its earliest proponents, Marx and Engels included, were committed to inciting revolution in all countries.  And Lenin, a man of praxis and internationalism, believed that besides revolution and warfare, the way to defeat capitalism was through propaganda.

To that end, the Left in America has engaged in cultural warfare – a “whole of society” revolution to destroy Western civilization.  Critical Theory, wokeism, DEI, and ideas about gender fluidity – these are all distortions of reality deployed to change our system of values, beliefs, attitudes, and preferences.  Leftists believe that by doing so, they will cause existing social structures to crumble.  They think anarchic socialism will then become viable, emerging from the chaos of a society without order and values.

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