Thursday, February 28, 2013
'Girls Gone Wild' files for bankruptcy
A business model that many thought was recession-proof is the latest victim of the Obama economic malaise.
'Girls Gone Wild' files for bankruptcy over debts
Dems want more money spent to clear up voter ID confusion in Pa.
Pennsylvania Democrats don't seem to have much faith in the low-information voters who make up their party. They want to spend more taxpayer money to tell Democrats they don't have to show voter ID at the polls.
Dems want more money spent to clear up voter ID confusion in Pa.
Dems want more money spent to clear up voter ID confusion in Pa.
Rep. Allyson Schwartz Earns 'F' For Economic Freedom
it comes to economic freedom, two Pennsylvania members of Congress
earned "F" grades in the latest report card issued by Americans for
Both are career politicians in predominantly Democratic districts. Both have supported Barack Obama's failed economic policies over the past four years and both cast yes votes for Obamacare.
Schwartz is planning to run for Pennsylvania governor in 2014 despite being pro-abotion and anti-Second Amendment ... and having voted for every tax increase proposed by the Obama administration.
AFP has also launched an interactive online version of its congressional key vote scorecard, which includes AFP key votes from the past three congresses and will be the scorecard’s online home moving forward. AFP ranks members of Congress on their votes for economic freedom.
AFP’s new scorecard website is online at:
Reps. Chaka Fattah and Allyson Schwartz, both Philadelphia-area Democratic members of Congress, received failing grades from the group.
Both are career politicians in predominantly Democratic districts. Both have supported Barack Obama's failed economic policies over the past four years and both cast yes votes for Obamacare.
Schwartz is planning to run for Pennsylvania governor in 2014 despite being pro-abotion and anti-Second Amendment ... and having voted for every tax increase proposed by the Obama administration.
AFP has also launched an interactive online version of its congressional key vote scorecard, which includes AFP key votes from the past three congresses and will be the scorecard’s online home moving forward. AFP ranks members of Congress on their votes for economic freedom.
AFP’s new scorecard website is online at:
Why Bob Woodward's Fight With The White House Matters to You
When a member of the media is no longer a useful idiot for the Obama Regime, he becomes an enemy of the state.
Why Bob Woodward's Fight With The White House Matters to You -
Why Bob Woodward's Fight With The White House Matters to You -
Bob Woodward claims White House threatened him
I recall another president threatening Bob Woodward. It didn't work out so well for the Nixon White House, either. I applaud Mr. Woodward for taking on the state-run media who believe their job is to protect Barack Obama's imperial presidency.
Woodward claims White House threatened him - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Democratic Congressman Ellison explodes on Fox News, calls Sean Hannity 'worst excuse for a journalist'
Another example of an unhinged liberal losing it in front of a national television audience. First of all, I don't recall Sean Hannity ever referring to himself as a "journalist." He's a host of a TV show and a radio show. He offers opinions. If unhinged liberals can't stomach the truth or answer a simple question, they have no business appearing on Fox. They can always go back to the official Democratic Party news channel, MSNBC, and answer softball questions.
Rep. Ellison explodes on Fox News, calls Sean Hannity 'worst excuse for a journalist'
Rep. Ellison explodes on Fox News, calls Sean Hannity 'worst excuse for a journalist'
Obama has failed to fill key government watchdog posts
So much for Obama's promises of transparency. When the fox guards the hen house, you can expect chicken for supper.
Obama has failed to fill key government watchdog posts - Human Events
Obama has failed to fill key government watchdog posts - Human Events
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Editorial: First lady's Oscar appearance a step too far
You know you've overstayed your welcome when liberal newspapers are taking pot shots at you.
From the very left-of-center Delaware County Daily Times in Pennsylvania:
From the very left-of-center Delaware County Daily Times in Pennsylvania:
If anyone else is wondering what first lady Michelle Obama was doing Sunday night presenting the Academy Award for best picture via remote from the White House, join the club.
In a country as divided as ours, such reminders further divide instead of unite.
Sometimes staying out of the spotlight is the smartest thing an actor or a politician can do.Editorial: First lady's Oscar appearance a step too far -

Far Left,
Liberal media bias
George F. Will: 'Sequestration' another manufactured crisis by Obama
Outstanding column by George F. Will on Obama's latest phony crisis:
George F. Will: 'Sequestration' another manufactured crisis by Obama
Even during this desultory economic recovery, one industry thrives — the manufacture of synthetic hysteria. It is, however, inaccurate to accuse the Hysteric in Chief of crying “Wolf!” about spending cuts under the sequester. He is actually crying “Hamster!”Read the full column at the link below:
As in: Batten down the hatches — the sequester will cut $85 billion from this year’s $3.6 trillion budget!
Or: Head for the storm cellar — spending will be cut 2.3 percent!
Or: Washington chainsaw massacre — we must scrape by on 97.7 percent of current spending!
Or: Chaos is coming because the sequester will cut a sum $25 billion larger than was just shoveled out the door (supposedly, but not actually) for victims of storm Sandy!
Or: Heaven forfend, the sequester will cut 47 percent as much as was spent on the AIG bailout!
Or: Famine, pestilence and locusts will come when the sequester causes federal spending over 10 years to plummet from $46 trillion all the way down to $44.8 trillion!
Or: Grass will grow in the streets of America’s cities if the domestic agencies whose budgets have increased 17 percent under President Obama must endure a 5 percent cut!
George F. Will: 'Sequestration' another manufactured crisis by Obama
New Crop of 'D List' Celebrities Invited on 'Dancing With The Stars'
OK, how many of the people below have you never heard of before today? They will make up the cast of the 16th edition of "Dancing With The Stars."
Dorothy Hamill
Wynona Judd
Andy Dick
Wynona Judd and Andy Dick among next group of 'Dancing' stars
Dorothy Hamill
Wynona Judd
Andy Dick
D.L. Hughley
Jacoby Jones
Kellie Pickler.
Victor Ortiz
Ingo Rademacher
Zendaya Coleman
Lisa Vanderpump
Aly Raisman.
Wynona Judd and Andy Dick among next group of 'Dancing' stars
Prices at pump fueling dismay
How's that hope and change working out for you at the gas pump? The U.S. average per gallon of regular unleaded hit $3.78 on Friday, and worse news is likely on the way.
Prices at pump fueling dismay
Prices at pump fueling dismay
Monday, February 25, 2013
Bob Woodward: Obama moving the goal posts on sequester deal
Bob Woodward, whose latest book, "The Price of Politics," examines the 2011 negotiations between President Obama and Speaker John Boehner on a "grand bargain" to cut the deficit, reform the tax code and curtail entitlements, exposes Barack Obama's treacherous and deceitful motives as the deadline for the sequester that Obama himself imposed approaches:
So when the president asks that a substitute for the sequester include not just spending cuts but also new revenue, he is moving the goal posts. His call for a balanced approach is reasonable, and he makes a strong case that those in the top income brackets could and should pay more. But that was not the deal he made.Bob Woodward: Obama moving the goal posts on sequester deal
Pa. lawmaker: Slash high union wages to pay for new state road, bridge projects
Prevailing wage laws in Pennsylvania force government agencies to pay top-dollar to unions, which eats up money that could be going to make much-needed infrastructure repairs.
Pa. lawmakers want to end prevailing wage for transportation projects
Pa. lawmakers want to end prevailing wage for transportation projects
Guest Column: Obama Still Promising Free Lunch
By Congressman Joe Pitts
Guest columnist
"Let me repeat — nothing I'm proposing tonight should increase our deficit by a single dime." — Barack Obama, State of the Union 2013
If you were told that you could get something for nothing, you'd probably be suspicious. The old statement that "There is no free lunch" remains true everywhere, even in Washington, D.C. In his annual State of the Union address, the President told everyone in the nation that we could have lots of free lunches. We need to take a deeper look.
State of the Union addresses are typically a laundry list of policies, many of them with price tags attached. President Obama isn't the first one to throw a bunch of spending programs into the annual address, and I don’t think he'll be the last. What caught me by surprise was the notion that he would find the money to pay for this.
First of all, let's take an account of where we are right now because this matters a lot. The President talked about not increasing the deficit, but the annual deficit has been over a trillion dollars for the past four years and will likely be that large again this year.
Saying we aren't going to add to the annual deficit is like boasting that you've stopped the floodwaters when they've already swamped the first story of your house. Our national debt has already climbed past the point where it begins to hold back economic growth.
Additionally, many of our government programs are on autopilot. The President didn't propose reforms to these programs that would keep them from adding to future deficits.
The day after the speech, there were some questions about how much all of this would cost. While the President said he could pay for all of it, his advisers didn't actually have a dollar figure for the costs associated with the programs.
While the White House might not know how much the President wants to spend, the National Taxpayer Union Foundation published an estimate of what all these items might cost. While they estimated that the speech's price tag could be more than $83 billion, many of the items couldn't be scored without more details.
That means we must either cut spending by $83 billion or raise taxes by the same amount. Since the President didn't really propose any cuts, we can assume that all the money for his new programs will come from additional tax increases. The President has already won increased taxes on income, on investments, on medical devices, health insurance, and many other ways.
The President's State of the Union is a speech, and it's easy to write and deliver a speech. What is much harder is producing a budget. The President failed to meet the legal deadline to submit his fiscal year 2014 budget to Congress. We still don’t know when it will be delivered.
We are also facing possible implementation of broad budget cuts known as the sequester. This was the President's idea for reducing spending in order to raise the debt limit a few years ago. Twice last year, House Republicans passed legislation to replace these broad cuts with more focused reforms.
The President says he wants to stop the sequester, but he has not released a detailed plan to do so. Democrats control the Senate, but they haven't brought a sequester replacement to the floor. We've put our ideas in writing. It's time for the Democrats to do the same.
Right after the State of Union address, the President embarked on a series of speeches across the country. Frankly, we don't need more speeches. What we need are solid proposals from the President and then honest negotiation.
We live in an era of divided government, but things still need to get done. Earlier this month, I introduced bipartisan legislation to reform our federal sugar program to stop unfair government subsidies and controls. I also held a Health Subcommittee hearing that I hope will lead to bipartisan Medicare reform legislation.
I've been seeking areas where I can agree with my colleagues — common ground solutions. I'd like to see President Obama try to do the same. We have big problems that spending programs won't solve.
Congressman Joe Pitts is a Republican who represents Pennsylvania’s 16th Congressional District, which includes parts of Berks, Chester and Lancaster counties. For more columns, visit
Guest columnist
"Let me repeat — nothing I'm proposing tonight should increase our deficit by a single dime." — Barack Obama, State of the Union 2013
If you were told that you could get something for nothing, you'd probably be suspicious. The old statement that "There is no free lunch" remains true everywhere, even in Washington, D.C. In his annual State of the Union address, the President told everyone in the nation that we could have lots of free lunches. We need to take a deeper look.
State of the Union addresses are typically a laundry list of policies, many of them with price tags attached. President Obama isn't the first one to throw a bunch of spending programs into the annual address, and I don’t think he'll be the last. What caught me by surprise was the notion that he would find the money to pay for this.
First of all, let's take an account of where we are right now because this matters a lot. The President talked about not increasing the deficit, but the annual deficit has been over a trillion dollars for the past four years and will likely be that large again this year.
Saying we aren't going to add to the annual deficit is like boasting that you've stopped the floodwaters when they've already swamped the first story of your house. Our national debt has already climbed past the point where it begins to hold back economic growth.
Additionally, many of our government programs are on autopilot. The President didn't propose reforms to these programs that would keep them from adding to future deficits.
The day after the speech, there were some questions about how much all of this would cost. While the President said he could pay for all of it, his advisers didn't actually have a dollar figure for the costs associated with the programs.
While the White House might not know how much the President wants to spend, the National Taxpayer Union Foundation published an estimate of what all these items might cost. While they estimated that the speech's price tag could be more than $83 billion, many of the items couldn't be scored without more details.
That means we must either cut spending by $83 billion or raise taxes by the same amount. Since the President didn't really propose any cuts, we can assume that all the money for his new programs will come from additional tax increases. The President has already won increased taxes on income, on investments, on medical devices, health insurance, and many other ways.
The President's State of the Union is a speech, and it's easy to write and deliver a speech. What is much harder is producing a budget. The President failed to meet the legal deadline to submit his fiscal year 2014 budget to Congress. We still don’t know when it will be delivered.
We are also facing possible implementation of broad budget cuts known as the sequester. This was the President's idea for reducing spending in order to raise the debt limit a few years ago. Twice last year, House Republicans passed legislation to replace these broad cuts with more focused reforms.
The President says he wants to stop the sequester, but he has not released a detailed plan to do so. Democrats control the Senate, but they haven't brought a sequester replacement to the floor. We've put our ideas in writing. It's time for the Democrats to do the same.
Right after the State of Union address, the President embarked on a series of speeches across the country. Frankly, we don't need more speeches. What we need are solid proposals from the President and then honest negotiation.
We live in an era of divided government, but things still need to get done. Earlier this month, I introduced bipartisan legislation to reform our federal sugar program to stop unfair government subsidies and controls. I also held a Health Subcommittee hearing that I hope will lead to bipartisan Medicare reform legislation.
I've been seeking areas where I can agree with my colleagues — common ground solutions. I'd like to see President Obama try to do the same. We have big problems that spending programs won't solve.
Congressman Joe Pitts is a Republican who represents Pennsylvania’s 16th Congressional District, which includes parts of Berks, Chester and Lancaster counties. For more columns, visit
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Fearless Oscar Predictions 2013
I know I'm cutting it close, but here's my take on tonight's Oscars presentation:
SHOULD WIN: Zero Dark Thirty
WILL WIN: Daniel Day-Lewis
SHOULD WIN: Daniel Day-Lewis
WILL WIN: Jennifer Lawrence
SHOULD WIN: Naomi Watts
WILL WIN: Anne Hathaway
SHOULD WIN: Sally Field
WILL WIN: Tommy Lee Jones
SHOULD WIN: Robert De Niro
WILL WIN: Steven Speilberg
WILL WIN: Wreck-It Ralph
SHOULD WIN: Frankenweenie
SHOULD WIN: Zero Dark Thirty
WILL WIN: Daniel Day-Lewis
SHOULD WIN: Daniel Day-Lewis
WILL WIN: Jennifer Lawrence
SHOULD WIN: Naomi Watts
WILL WIN: Anne Hathaway
SHOULD WIN: Sally Field
WILL WIN: Tommy Lee Jones
SHOULD WIN: Robert De Niro
WILL WIN: Steven Speilberg
WILL WIN: Wreck-It Ralph
SHOULD WIN: Frankenweenie
Congressional Budget Office gives Obama's stimulus an F
Unless you're one of those Obama Zombies still searching for brains, you've figured out that the last four years have been an Obama-made disaster for the U.S. economy.
Blog: CBO gives Obama's stimulus an F
Blog: CBO gives Obama's stimulus an F
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Friday, February 22, 2013
Who you calling a wuss, Ed Rendell?
Gil Spencer does a nice job of tearing apart Ed Rendell's "liberal
logic" about government needing to spend more money. Hasn't his pal
Obama done enough spending over the past four years?
And how did Rendell leave Pennsylvania better after eight years as governor?
Despite pushing through one of the biggest tax hikes in the state's history and ushering casino gambling, Rendell squandered billions of dollars in new revenue and failed to address most of the state's biggest problems.
Rendell also left office with a $4 billion deficit. So watch who you're calling a wuss, Fast Eddie.
Gil Spencer: Rendell says government has gone soft -
And how did Rendell leave Pennsylvania better after eight years as governor?
Despite pushing through one of the biggest tax hikes in the state's history and ushering casino gambling, Rendell squandered billions of dollars in new revenue and failed to address most of the state's biggest problems.
Rendell also left office with a $4 billion deficit. So watch who you're calling a wuss, Fast Eddie.
Gil Spencer: Rendell says government has gone soft -
Obama Wants Your Retirement Accounts
Raising taxes won't satisfy Obama's ravenous appetite for spending, so he's laying the groundwork to take your retirement money, too.
You're not going to need it anyway. Between the Obamacare death panels, the domestic drone strikes and the massive buildup of arms and ammunition by the Obama Regime, chances are you won't survive into retirement.
John White at American Thinker:
You're not going to need it anyway. Between the Obamacare death panels, the domestic drone strikes and the massive buildup of arms and ammunition by the Obama Regime, chances are you won't survive into retirement.
John White at American Thinker:
Quietly, behind the scenes, the groundwork is being laid for federal government confiscation of tax-deferred retirement accounts such as IRAs. Slowly, the cat is being let out of the bag.The Feds Want Your Retirement Accounts
Thorns to Pa. Attorney General Kathleen Kane
From the editorial pages of The Pottstown Mercury:
THORNS to Pennsylvania’s new attorney general Kathleen Kane for holding a press conference and then refusing to answer questions about a contract to privatize management of the state Lottery. According to a report at by reporter Tony Romeo, Kane refused to take questions after declaring that a contract to privatize management of the Lottery, negotiated by Gov. Tom Corbett violated the state constitution. Reporters were told to submit questions via e-mail to be answered later. Franklin and Marshall College political analyst Terry Madonna says the move was unusual, Romeo reported. Romeo quoted Madonna: “Public officials owe it to the citizens of the state to hold press availabilities to answer questions from the press particularly when they render important decisions with huge implications, fiscal, as well as political.” We wholeheartedly agree.Roses for Pottsgrove GED program at Rolling Hills
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Obama doubles down on nuclear disarmament
The world is so much safer today with Iran and North Korea developing nuclear weapons, so Obama has another great idea: Let's reduce the U.S. nuclear arsenal.
Wohlstetter: Obama doubles down on nuclear disarmament - Human Events
Wohlstetter: Obama doubles down on nuclear disarmament - Human Events
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Schwartz, Fattah Flunk AFP 112th Congressional Scorecard
When it comes to economic freedom, two Pennsylvania members of Congress earned "F" grades in the latest report card issued by Americans for Prosperity-Pennsylvania.
Reps. Chaka Fattah and Allyson Schwartz, both Philadelphia-area Democratic members of Congress, received failing grades from the group.
Both are career politicians in predominantly Democratic districts. Both have supported Barack Obama's failed economic policies over the past four years and both cast yes votes for Obamacare.
Schwartz is planning to run for Pennsylvania governor in 2014 despite being pro-abotion and anti-Second Amendment ... and having voted for every tax increase proposed by the Obama administration.
AFP has also launched an interactive online version of its congressional key vote scorecard, which includes AFP key votes from the past three congresses and will be the scorecard’s online home moving forward. AFP ranks members of Congress on their votes for economic freedom.
AFP’s new scorecard website is online at:
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Media notices that Obama is very good at manipulating them
When liberals who helped get Obama re-elected start writing stories titled "Obama, the Puppet Master," you know the slobbering love affair between the MSM and Obama is on the ropes.
Media notices that Obama is very good at manipulating them | Human Events
Media notices that Obama is very good at manipulating them | Human Events
Democrats line up to challenge Corbett for Pa. governor
Democrats did well in Pennsylvania in 2012, but Barack Obama won't be on the ballot in 2014 so the City of Philadelphia won't be voting.
Dems shouldn't get too confident about winning the governor's mansion.
UPDATE: Sestak says he wants to run for office, but doesn't know if it will be for governor -
Dems shouldn't get too confident about winning the governor's mansion.
UPDATE: Sestak says he wants to run for office, but doesn't know if it will be for governor -
State Sen. Bob Mensch: Pa. faces public pension crisis
Democrats and their union allies are trying to block pension reform in
Pennsylvania even though the pension funds for state workers and
teachers are $41 billion in the red. The Democrats' plan of ignoring the
problem hasn't worked out too well so far.
State Sen. Bob Mensch: Pa. faces public pension crisis
State Sen. Bob Mensch: Pa. faces public pension crisis
Monday, February 18, 2013
The Obama Bankruptcy Curse Strikes Again!
Jeannie DeAngelis, writing at American Thinker, on the way Barack Obama is flushing your tax dollars down the toilet:
To date, approximately 34 Obama-backed green energy companies have gone bankrupt, the most well-known being Solyndra.The Obama Bankruptcy Curse Strikes Again!
Gas prices soaring again under Obama
Obama energy policies at work: Gas prices spike 51 cents a gallon over the last two months
Gas prices soaring
Gas prices soaring
Sweating the small stuff: Our collective obsession with the trivial
A generation raised on video games and "reality" television is now in charge. Heaven help us!
Our collective obsession with the trivial
Our collective obsession with the trivial
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Quick Guide To Mainstream Media
Your guide to the MSM: ABC - All Barack Channel; NBC - Notably Barack Channel; CBS - Continuous Barack Channel; NPR - Not Pro Republican; CNN - Commie News Network
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Homeland Security Now Armed With Enough Ammo for 24-Year-Long Iraq War
The Obama Regime has been stockpiling ammunition for years, to the point where most private gun owners and even some police departments can no longer buy ammunition. What do you suppose Obama is planning to do with all that ammo? And why the push to disarm law-abiding Americans?
Homeland Security Now Armed With Enough Ammo for 24-Year-Long Iraq War | Human Events
Homeland Security Now Armed With Enough Ammo for 24-Year-Long Iraq War | Human Events
655,000 Page Views
My site counter has recorded 655,000 Page Piews from 417,000 Unique Visitors to TONY PHYRILLAS ON POLITICS. Thanks for checking out my blog ... and come back again.
Revised U.S. Map Erases Pennsylvania, Makes Philadelphia Its Own State
Some of us have been pushing for years to get rid of Philadelphia, which drains a disproportionate amount of resources from the rest of Pennsylvania. Here's one way to make that goal happen.
Revised U.S. Map Erases Pennsylvania, Makes Philadelphia Its Own State | The Philly Post
Friday, February 15, 2013
Pa. voter ID law won't be enforced in May primary
All of this could have been avoided had Pennsylvania Supreme Court Chief Justice Ronald D. Castille not sided with 3 Democrats on the court to block the Voter ID law.
Castille faces a retention vote this year. VOTE NO!
Pa. voter ID law won’t be enforced in May primary
Castille faces a retention vote this year. VOTE NO!
Pa. voter ID law won’t be enforced in May primary
Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Racism In Spain? Are You Kidding?
Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Racism In Spain? Are You Kidding?
Priorities: Obama says he'd get rid of the penny
We have 25 million Americans looking for work, we have a $16 trillion national debt, we had no economic growth for the last quarter of 2012, we have U.S. troops engage in combat in a half-dozen countries, we have a national takeover of health care that will hurt millions ... and what is Obama talking about? Let's get rid of the penny. This is what you get when low-information voters go the polls.
Making cents: Obama says he'd get rid of the penny
Making cents: Obama says he'd get rid of the penny
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Rep. J. Randy Forbes: America's new government-imposed religion
Welcome to Obama's vision of America:
FORBES: America's new government-imposed religion - Washington Times
The tide has turned, and we have begun to see the emergence of a state-created orthodoxy. It deems support for traditional marriage unacceptable. It discredits those who believe that life begins at conception. It disfavors their faith — held for centuries by their predecessors — and creates a regulatory framework to prevent them from fully participating in the public square.
When the government says, “You can believe whatever you want, but you will be penalized if you exercise those beliefs,” we have entered dangerous territory. We cannot allow a religious litmus test to determine who may participate in American life. We must defend the Constitution not only in form, but also in effect.That is how Va. Congressman Randy Forbes sees Obama's war against people of faith. The the rest of this powerful op-ed in The Washington Times:
FORBES: America's new government-imposed religion - Washington Times

Barack Obama,
First Amendment,
Liberal Fascism,
Sen. Toomey opposes Hagel for Defense Secretary
Pennsylvania Republican Sen. Pat Toomey is the latest lawmaker to openly criticize controversial Obama Secretary of Defense nominee Chuck Hagel, saying he will oppose Hagel's confirmation.
Pat Toomey issued the following statement on Thursday:
Pat Toomey issued the following statement on Thursday:
"I appreciate and respect Sen. Hagel’s service to our country – both as an Army noncommissioned officer in Vietnam and as a member of Congress. Nevertheless, I have deep concerns about Sen. Hagel’s attitude toward our national security relationship with Israel, and his approach toward dealing with Iran and various terrorist organizations including Hezbollah. Also, his poor performance during the Senate confirmation hearings and lack of transparency in providing information to the Armed Services Committee raise serious questions about Sen. Hagel’s ability to manage the Pentagon."
"I met with Sen. Hagel in my office and closely watched his responses to my colleagues on the Armed Services Committee. Specifically, I've sought explanations regarding his opposition to Iran sanctions and his statements regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. His remarks seem inconsistent to me and are troubling. His earlier positions on Iran were inconsistent with administration policy, and I am troubled by what appears to be a nomination conversion on this and other issues."
"The president deserves considerable latitude on appointing members of his cabinet and I have typically supported those nominees including those with whom I have significant policy disagreements. But Sen. Hagel's shifting positions, questionable performance during the Senate confirmation process and disturbing record on some of the most important national security issues of the day concern me."
"In light of these concerns, I will not vote to move to his nomination forward."
Columnist: Obama the cheapskate should raise minimum wage to $100
If Obama really wants to help workers, he should mandate a $100 per hour minimum wage, argues columnist Joseph Farah.
Obama the cheapskate
Obama the cheapskate
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Washington Post falls for hoax report that Sarah Palin will work for al-Jazeera
The liberal media hates Sarah Palin so much, they can easily be fooled when they have a chance to run something negative about Palin ... whether it's true or not.
Washington Post falls for hoax report that Sarah Palin will work for al-Jazeera | Human Events
Washington Post falls for hoax report that Sarah Palin will work for al-Jazeera | Human Events
Unemployment rate for government workers is 4.2% - Private sector workers: 8.6%
James Pethokoukis does an excellent job examining the failure of Obamanomics. While Obama's policies have killed millions of private-sector jobs, he continues to pad government rolls.
The unemployment rate for government workers is 4.2%. Private sector workers: 8.6%
The unemployment rate for government workers is 4.2%. Private sector workers: 8.6%
Obamanomics: Record Number on Food Stamps
You don't need to watch Obama babble on for hours to learn the true State of the Union.
Since (Obama's) inauguration, the US has generated just 841,000 jobs through November 2012, a number is more than dwarfed by the 17.3 million new food stamps and disability recipients added to the rolls in the past 4 years. And since the start of the depression in December 2007, America has seen those on food stamps and disability increase by 21.8 million, while losing 3.6 million jobs. End result: total number of food stamp recipients as of November: 47.7 million, an increase of 141,000 from the prior month, and reversing the brief downturn in October, while total US households on food stamps just hit an all time record of 23,017,768, an increase of 73,952 from the prior month. The cost to the government to keep these 23 million households content and not rising up? $281.21 per month per household.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Report: Navy SEAL kills Osama bin Laden, loses health care
This is how Obama rewards our nation's heroes.
Report: Navy SEAL kills Osama bin Laden, loses health care - Kevin Cirilli -
Report: Navy SEAL kills Osama bin Laden, loses health care - Kevin Cirilli -
Guest column: Regulatory Mess Left By Obamacare
By Congressman Joe Pitts
Scientists are discovering new planets in other solar systems at an amazing pace. Some of these planets are even the same size as Earth and may be in a similar orbit. Perhaps we’ll even find a planet orbiting our nearest neighbor, Proxima Centauri. If we could build a spacecraft just a little faster than current technology, it would take around 14,000 years to get there.
The Office of Management and Budget has estimated that the combined time to comply with all the new regulations under Obamacare is 127,602,371 hours… or around 14,000 years. Of course, that burden isn’t just on a single person, but it’s a potent illustration of just how much time American families, businesses and health care providers will be spending to follow all the new rules.
The House Energy and Commerce Committee is working together with two other committees to track the burden of these regulations as they are announced. By the time the regulators are through there might enough hours to get back from Proxima Centauri.
The health care law runs more than 2,000 pages. While that might seem like some heavy reading, the legislative language only loosely describes how Obamacare is supposed to work. Most of the details about how the programs, boards and bureaucracies are supposed to do their job is done through the regulatory process.
So far this process has been anything but smooth. The law sets deadlines for the implementation of programs, new taxes and reporting requirements. Just a few months after the law was signed, deadlines were already being missed.
This is bad news for those who have to prepare to comply with the law. One of the biggest deadlines is for opening of health care exchanges. The federal government was hoping that states would shoulder much of the burden of opening up and operating these exchanges.
The keystone regulation of the health care exchanges is the rules for the essential minimum benefits — the items every health insurance plan needs to cover in order to continue operating. The political problem the White House faced with this rule is that it would make it clear just how much more health insurance would cost under Obamacare. Heading into the election, the President didn’t want bad news about how much more Americans would be paying because of his policies.
Now with these regulations starting to role out, state governments and health insurers have little time prepare for the opening of exchanges in October of this year. Some state governments have wisely decided that they shouldn’t commit to operating what is essentially a federal government program. Even those states that have committed to running an exchange are finding it difficult to get answers out of the federal government.
When the regulatory process is finally complete, states and insurers will have to work their way through a mountain of paperwork. This means hiring more employees and spending more money on new technology. In California alone, the government may need to hire more than 21,000 employees to help people navigate the new exchanges.
Business owners and health providers will also face a new mountain of paperwork to comply with Obamacare. For businesses, they must file additional tax forms either proving that their current insurance meets standards, or paying the new fine for going without insurance.
Hospitals and doctors will now have additional reporting requirements. This means more time away from patients for physicians. It also means hiring more employees who have nothing to do with providing care.
Obamacare’s solution to our health care problems is Washington-centric. Tens of thousands of new government employees will be needed to make sure all the new rules are being followed and all the new taxes are being paid.
Bureaucracy doesn’t cure the sick. Instead, more paperwork requirements create government jobs, when what we need are quality private sector jobs that create economic growth. The President said his plan would reduce costs and make it easier to purchase insurance. So far, all we’ve seen are rising costs and increasing government burdens.
Congressman Joe Pitts is a Republican who represents Pennsylvania’s 16th Congressional District in parts of Berks, Chester and Lancaster counties.
Scientists are discovering new planets in other solar systems at an amazing pace. Some of these planets are even the same size as Earth and may be in a similar orbit. Perhaps we’ll even find a planet orbiting our nearest neighbor, Proxima Centauri. If we could build a spacecraft just a little faster than current technology, it would take around 14,000 years to get there.
The Office of Management and Budget has estimated that the combined time to comply with all the new regulations under Obamacare is 127,602,371 hours… or around 14,000 years. Of course, that burden isn’t just on a single person, but it’s a potent illustration of just how much time American families, businesses and health care providers will be spending to follow all the new rules.
The House Energy and Commerce Committee is working together with two other committees to track the burden of these regulations as they are announced. By the time the regulators are through there might enough hours to get back from Proxima Centauri.
The health care law runs more than 2,000 pages. While that might seem like some heavy reading, the legislative language only loosely describes how Obamacare is supposed to work. Most of the details about how the programs, boards and bureaucracies are supposed to do their job is done through the regulatory process.
So far this process has been anything but smooth. The law sets deadlines for the implementation of programs, new taxes and reporting requirements. Just a few months after the law was signed, deadlines were already being missed.
This is bad news for those who have to prepare to comply with the law. One of the biggest deadlines is for opening of health care exchanges. The federal government was hoping that states would shoulder much of the burden of opening up and operating these exchanges.
The keystone regulation of the health care exchanges is the rules for the essential minimum benefits — the items every health insurance plan needs to cover in order to continue operating. The political problem the White House faced with this rule is that it would make it clear just how much more health insurance would cost under Obamacare. Heading into the election, the President didn’t want bad news about how much more Americans would be paying because of his policies.
Now with these regulations starting to role out, state governments and health insurers have little time prepare for the opening of exchanges in October of this year. Some state governments have wisely decided that they shouldn’t commit to operating what is essentially a federal government program. Even those states that have committed to running an exchange are finding it difficult to get answers out of the federal government.
When the regulatory process is finally complete, states and insurers will have to work their way through a mountain of paperwork. This means hiring more employees and spending more money on new technology. In California alone, the government may need to hire more than 21,000 employees to help people navigate the new exchanges.
Business owners and health providers will also face a new mountain of paperwork to comply with Obamacare. For businesses, they must file additional tax forms either proving that their current insurance meets standards, or paying the new fine for going without insurance.
Hospitals and doctors will now have additional reporting requirements. This means more time away from patients for physicians. It also means hiring more employees who have nothing to do with providing care.
Obamacare’s solution to our health care problems is Washington-centric. Tens of thousands of new government employees will be needed to make sure all the new rules are being followed and all the new taxes are being paid.
Bureaucracy doesn’t cure the sick. Instead, more paperwork requirements create government jobs, when what we need are quality private sector jobs that create economic growth. The President said his plan would reduce costs and make it easier to purchase insurance. So far, all we’ve seen are rising costs and increasing government burdens.
Congressman Joe Pitts is a Republican who represents Pennsylvania’s 16th Congressional District in parts of Berks, Chester and Lancaster counties.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
'Identity Thief' Tops Weekend Box Office
You know it wasn't a banner weekend for Hollywood when the biggest film opening stars Jason Bateman.
The Jason Bateman/Melissa McCarthy comedy "Identify Thief" - essentially a TV movie of the week - was No. 1 at the weekend box office, earning slightly more than $36 million.
The weekend box office was weak all around. It didn't help matters that most of the Northeastern United States was digging out of a huge snowstorm, but there's few films in wide release worth seeing this time of year.
'Identity Thief' Tops Weekend Box Office
The Jason Bateman/Melissa McCarthy comedy "Identify Thief" - essentially a TV movie of the week - was No. 1 at the weekend box office, earning slightly more than $36 million.
The weekend box office was weak all around. It didn't help matters that most of the Northeastern United States was digging out of a huge snowstorm, but there's few films in wide release worth seeing this time of year.
'Identity Thief' Tops Weekend Box Office
All she wanted was bigger boobs
This would make for an excellent segment of "1000 Ways To Die" but the popular Spike TV show ended a four year run last year.
A German porn star died last week as she was undergoing her firth breast enlargement surgery. The anaesthetist present during the surgery was convicted by a German court of negligent manslaughter.
The 23-year-old porn actress Carolin Wosnitza, known professionally as Sexy Cora, was in the care of the 56-year-old anaesthetist while having her breasts enlarged from an F to a G cup, according to German news accounts.
Doctor convicted in German porn star death
A German porn star died last week as she was undergoing her firth breast enlargement surgery. The anaesthetist present during the surgery was convicted by a German court of negligent manslaughter.
The 23-year-old porn actress Carolin Wosnitza, known professionally as Sexy Cora, was in the care of the 56-year-old anaesthetist while having her breasts enlarged from an F to a G cup, according to German news accounts.
Doctor convicted in German porn star death
Saturday, February 09, 2013
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