
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

'The Real Cost of Voter Registration'

A fascinating new study released today by The Pew Center on the States on what it costs a state to conduct a voter-registration drive.

Using Oregon as the model, the study found that voter registration cost more than $9.7 million during the 2008 election, a cost of $4.51 per active registered voter or $8.43 per voter registration transaction (adding new or updating existing voter records).

Billed as the first comprehensive analysis of its kind, the study provides a model for other states to estimate their expenses and establish a basis for evaluating efforts to modernize, according to Pew.

"States need to analyze their current voter registration costs before they can determine effective ways to modernize the process," said John Lindback, senior officer for Election Initiatives at the Pew Center on the States and former Oregon state election director. "Oregon's critical contribution to this study provides guidance for analyzing expenses and shows the need for a more cost-effective system. A good starting point is to use 21st century technology that will not only make registration less expensive, but also more efficient and accurate."

Pew Releases Case Study on State Voter Registration Costs

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