
Monday, December 14, 2009

'Merry Christmas to all the hamsters out there'

I love this letter to the editor published in The Pottstown Mercury from a Montgomery County resident who argues you and I are "hamsters" running around a cage for the amusement of the political elite. Read it and weep:
Merry Christmas to all the hamsters out there

Merry Christmas hamsters. Yes hamsters meaning me, you, and everyone else running around this time of year making sure the economy gets its final boost for the year. Well, Harrisburg and Washington are praying for big spending; yes they are religious when it comes to money. We work more and spend more in order to increase the tax revenues. Thus the faster we run and spin on our hamster wheel lives the happier we make government.

Christians get upset with the generalization of this time of year away from Merry Christmas to Happy Holidays. Government doesn't want to offend anyone. Government wants to make sure this spending and tax revenue time of the year is open to all, not just Christians. Christians, do you really need so much time, months, to celebrate the birth of Jesus? No, of course not, but government does. Actually government wouldn't mind if there was just one continuous "holiday" season year round. Just think of the endless consumption and tax revenue possibilities.

The more we consume, the more government grows. The United States is a debtor nation now owing trillions of dollars to other nations and, in particular, hundreds of billions to China, a communist nation. The U.S. currency isn't backed by anything other than the promise of government to extract the money owed from the sweat of its people. So that means let's all get running faster and longer on our hamster wheels because there is no end in sight of the spending habits in Harrisburg and Washington. The wheel of life goes round and round for us hamsters.

Upper Providence

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