
Monday, December 07, 2009

'Media complicity in Climategate'

If there's any doubt that the Mainstream Media is the official propaganda arm of the far left, look no further than the lack of coverage of Climategate, the shocking revelation that scientific data was manipulated by global warming proponents to make their case. The Mainstream Media has responded in two ways to the news that the greatest hoax of our time has been exposed. First, the media ignored the story, then the media tries to explain away the proof that global warming is a hoax.

From an editorial in the Washington Times:
A tale of destroyed documents, fraud, conspiracy and the misuse of millions of government dollars would seem to have all the juicy ingredients of a scandal that journalists would kill to cover. However, the mainstream media apparently doesn't think that Climategate is news. ABC News hasn't deemed the story newsworthy. Neither has CBS nor NBC. If Americans only got their news from the networks, they would not know about the global-warming fraud or would merely think there was a simple misunderstanding about what scientists meant in some vague e-mails

Never mind that two major universities have at least temporarily removed prominent academics from heading major climate research facilities. Never mind that there are real questions raised about the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) controversial assessment report that the Obama administration and global-warming advocates have continually hyped in order to advance their case for new global regulations to curtail purported global warming.
Read the full editorial at the newspaper's Web site.

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