
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I thought U.S. health care sucks

News Item: Actress Natasha Richardson, critically injured in a skiing accident in Canada, was on a flight to the United States for treatment, The Associated Press reports.

Richardson, married to actor Liam Neeson, suffered a head injury Monday at at the famed Mont Tremblant ski resort.

Why is it that when celebrities, politicians and other well-to-do types need medical care, they flock to the United States?

I thought health care was better in Canada or France or Cuba.

Didn't Michael Moore prove that you can get better health care in other countries? Or did he just make that up?


Anonymous said...

Except it's not for treatment. She's already brain dead. They are flying her home and then they will unplug life support.

I agree with you on healthcare, but I don't think this situation is a remotely reasonable argument for it. And, if you read about her injuries, the US system wouldn't have been able to save her either.

Personally, I'd pick a better target to make the point. My favorite argument against the Canadian system is that their top court considered the ban on private insurance and care to be a violation of right to life. Far more damning evidence about the problems with their system than an example of someone who would have been tough to save in any environment.

Anonymous said...

Better here if you can afford it

Anonymous said...

Being an employee of a hospital I believe the actual care here is better it’s the system that sucks. Fore someone with a load of cash, i.e. Natasha Richardson, she can get the best care in the world here because she will go to the top phys in dealing with head injuries. Although my ins may cover a visit to the Mayo Clinic I cannot afford to relocate my support system out there.