
Sunday, July 03, 2011

Ann Coulter: Glenn Beck Vs. The Mob

Did you hear about the left-wing mob surrounding Glenn Back and his family at a public park in New York City?

Funny how the liberal media ignored the story. I guess they were busy with the latest Paris Hilton or Charlie Sheen news or maybe they're still trying to sort through Sarah Palin's emails.

Ann Coulter writes about unhinged liberals in a new column at Human Events.

From Coulter's column:
Beck and his family would have been fine at an outdoor rap concert. They would have been fine at a sporting event. They would have been fine at any paid event, mostly because people who work for the government and live in rent-controlled apartments would be too cheap to attend.

Only a sad leftist with a crappy job could be so brimming with self-righteousness to harangue a complete stranger in public.

A liberal's idea of being a bad-ass is to say vicious things to a conservative public figure who can't afford to strike back. Getting in a stranger's face and hurling insults at him, knowing full well he has too much at risk to deck you, is like baiting a bear chained to a wall.
Read the full column at the link below:

Glenn Beck Vs. The Mob - HUMAN EVENTS

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