
Thursday, July 08, 2010

The 60 lawmakers who kept the pay raise

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette ran a story this week by Tom Barnes by about the lack of real reform in Harrisburg on the fifth anniversary of the middle-of-the-night pay raise. You can read it here.

The newspaper also ran a list of the 60 state legislators who have refused to this day to return the illegal pay raise.

The list was compiled by Eric Epstein of Rock The Capital. Take a couple of minutes to review the 60 names. If your state legislator is on this list and you're still contemplating re-electing him or her this November, you should have your head examined.

Click here for Rock the Capital's pay raise list

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah yes! The product of our public schools! Taught to love and depend on big government. Re-education and properly taught factual history is the only answer for the future of our country. Statistics of where we stand in education with the rest of the civilized world should be a warning of what is to come.