
Friday, April 16, 2010

Rep. Milne Condemns Suspected Arson Attack at Phoenixville Armory

Rep. Duane Milne (R-Chester) today issued the following statement in response to the suspected arson attack at the Phoenixville Armory, which hosts the 1067th and B/1-111th Infantry Units of the Pennsylvania Army National Guard:
"I am appalled at the cowardly act that has caused severe damage to the Phoenixville Armory and I condemn this in no uncertain terms. The investigation is continuing but, so far, the results speak for themselves in the fact that there has been significant damage done to the structure.

"The only good news coming out of this is, thankfully, no one was injured, and all of the weaponry inside has been accounted for and secured. I am also thankful for the efforts of all of the first responders at the scene, and for the assistance of the Chester County Fire Marshal Unit.

"The person or persons who have committed this act will be found, and must be brought to justice. This is an attack on our Pennsylvania Army National Guard, and it must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

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