From a recent column by Margaret Gibbons of The Doylestown Intelligencer about a Democratic state lawmaker who nearly sprained his neck agreeing with everything Gov. Ed Rendell said at a recent public appearance. It's a growing problem among the doormat Democrats in the state House.
To keep those disappointed looks off the faces of family members on Christmas Day, I suggest that you put in your orders today for the Rick Taylor Bobblehead.
They will probably go fast, now that Gov. Ed Rendell brought one to a news conference he held earlier this month in Norristown.
There he was, this incumbent Democratic state representative from the 151st District, sitting in the front row during the governor's speech.
Every time the governor paused, Taylor's head would bob up and down in agreement.
What is the deal with these Democratic state lawmakers?
Do they first have to pass some type of litmus test to make sure they have springs in their necks before they can run for office?
Well, I guess it could be worse. At least Taylor wasn't giving one of these adoring-spouse looks.
Read the full column, "Nods to Rendell," at the
newspaper's Web site.
1 comment:
Margret, where was Joe Huff and his pet Bobble Headed dog Janey? Think the Huffester is afraid to associate with a Democratic Lame Duck Govenor? Joe Huff is looking after Joe Huff. Janey's licking boots.
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