
Friday, October 04, 2024

An illegal alien crime wave is washing over the country

An illegal alien crime wave is washing over the country: Reports indicate that “the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is currently tracking more than 425,000 illegal immigrants convicted of various crimes,” with over 15,000 of them for sexual assault.  And more than 13,000 for homicide.

But remember, NO HUMAN IS ILLEGAL, right?  The U.S. has a responsibility to take anybody and everybody in who wishes to come here, correct?

Truth be told, we shouldn’t prevent murderers from being their authentic selves and living the life they choose, while acting on their truths.

Homicidal maniacs have been ostracized, marginalized, and othered in this country for far too long.  Where is the tolerance, where is the compassion, where is the inclusivity?!

An Honest Look at What Kamala Harris Did in California

Axelrod gloats that North Carolina's Hurricane Helene victims in pro-Trump areas may be unable to vote

Axelrod gloats that North Carolina's Hurricane Helene victims in pro-Trump areas may be unable to vote: In a surreal moment, Joe Biden told a reporter that everybody "across the board" in the Hurricane Helene disaster area spanning 800 miles of devastation are "getting what they need" and everyone "is happy." He had just toured the area yesterday by plane, but had to ask the reporter "what storm" he was talking about, raising questions about his sentience.

When Democrats Run The Government ...


Hundreds of National Security Officials Cite the Bible While Giving Trump a Crucial Endorsement

Hundreds of National Security Officials Cite the Bible While Giving Trump a Crucial Endorsement: Hundreds of national security and foreign policy professionals made clear that Trump stands for peace - and that he does not stand alone.

200+ Retired Generals and Admirals endorse Trump

The Secret Service and election interference

The Secret Service and election interference: What’s the venerable saying? Once is happenstance, twice, coincidence, but three times is enemy action? Where the Secret Service (SS) is concerned, once just might be enough to qualify as enemy action. The only real question is not the identity of the enemy, but which enemy is the worst and most dangerous threat not to “our democracy, but to our constitutional, representative republic.

Thursday, October 03, 2024

Study Confirms the Truth about Masks and Children

Study Confirms the Truth about Masks and Children

John Kerry and the Circuitous Assault on Free Speech

John Kerry and the Circuitous Assault on Free Speech

Hurricane Helene: Kamala's FEMA puts Politics over People

The Biden-Harris America Last Agenda


Former Chief CBS Correspondent Can't Believe How Far Network Has Fallen After Debate Fact-Checking Debacle

Former Chief CBS Correspondent Can't Believe How Far Network Has Fallen After Debate Fact-Checking Debacle: Former CBS News chief foreign affairs correspondent Lara Logan could not believe how far the network has fallen in reporting truth.

Lowman S. Henry: Forget the Polls These Are the Numbers that Matter

 By Lowman S. Henry

The 2024 presidential election is rapidly becoming the most polled election in Pennsylvania history. As the most important battleground state political observers scour every poll taken in Penn’s Woods for some hint as to the status of what again is likely to be a very close battle for the commonwealth’s 19 Electoral votes.

Almost without exception, every poll has Donald Trump and Kamala Harris within the margin of error. As such, the drama that surrounds every point or half point change in the polling has made for interesting parlor speculation. But, polling is so imprecise and the race is so close that the polls are in fact meaningless in terms of discerning who is winning the horse race.

There are three other sets of numbers that carry far more significance than polling and as such should be watched far more closely than opinion polls.

One of the key predictive factors as to how a person will vote is their party registration. At one time there were over 1.1 million more registered Democrats than there were registered Republicans statewide in Pennsylvania. By the November 2020 presidential election, the Democrat voter registration advantage had shrunk to 685,818 voters.

Fast forward to September 2024 and the Democrat voter registration edge has been sliced in half since the 2020 election – down to just 338,396 voters. Tellingly, 48,618 Democrats have switched their party affiliation to Republican; two and a half times more party switches than Republicans to Democrats. 

Although Democrat registrations gained steam after the party switched out Joe Biden for Kamala Harris Republican registrations climbed even faster. Putting a cherry atop the registration sundae for Republicans Beaver County near Pittsburgh, Bucks County in the Philadelphia suburbs, and Luzerne County in northeastern Pennsylvania flipped from blue to red. No county has flipped from red to blue. 

Democrats have dominated Republicans in mail-in balloting since the advent of no excuse mail-in voting in 2020. Here too Democrats are underperforming. As of September 23,  there are 360,101 fewer Democrat applications for a mail-in ballot than at the same time in 2020. Republican mail-in ballot requests are down by 60,963 giving the GOP almost a 300,000 voter net advantage. 

Another major change is the GOP’s approach to mail-in balloting. While the party fought and attacked mail-in voting in 2020 it is embracing the practice in 2024. In 2020 many Republicans – 141,000 – who applied for and received mail-in ballots failed to follow through and vote. It is likely some number of those voters instead went to the polls in person, but there is no doubt a large number of GOP votes were literally left lying on the table.

There are concerted efforts to ensure those votes are cast this year. Projects like the Pennsylvania Chase have deployed an army of 120 full-time paid door knockers who are fanning out across the commonwealth to make sure voters send in their ballots.

Finally, there is the impact of the Green Party. In 2020 Democrats successfully convinced the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to strike Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein from the November ballot. The Green Party’s nominee for state Auditor General received 78,588 votes in the 2020 General Election while the Green Party nominee for state Treasurer received 81,984 votes.

Keep in mind Joe Biden won Pennsylvania by 80,555 votes. Making the plausible assumption that most of the Green Party presidential votes ended up in the Biden column with Stein off the ballot and that decision alone contributed significantly to the Biden victory.

All else being equal, which of course it is not, these three sets of numbers must be causing great angst in the Harris campaign. Further, polling shows that inflation/the economy and illegal immigration are the top concerns of voters – and Trump consistently leads when pollsters ask who can best address those issues.

Most polls are subject to a margin of error of at least +/-4% which means that any lead of four percent or less is essentially meaningless. But registration and mail-in ballot requests are not subject to a margin of error and therefore represent a far better snapshot of where the election stands.

(Lowman S. Henry is Chairman & CEO of the Lincoln Institute and host of the weekly American Radio Journal and Lincoln Radio Journal. His e-mail address is

Trump Calls Jack Smith's New Court Move 'Pure Election Interference'

Trump Calls Jack Smith's New Court Move 'Pure Election Interference': "Smith’s allegations will be used by Democrats and repeated by the media as if they are established fact," one conservative wrote.

Democrats Leave Americans Behind


Biden’s Department of (In)Justice sues to keep ineligible voters on Alabama rolls

Biden’s Department of (In)Justice sues to keep ineligible voters on Alabama rolls: The Biden-Harris administration’s Department of (In)Justice recently sued Alabama— and its top election official—after the state had the temerity to remove thousands of noncitizens from its voter rolls. According to the DO(I)J, the removal of ineligible voters violated federal law because it was done too close to Election Day. Sure. You bet. Now tell us the one about the three bears. The Biden-Harris Department of Injustice didn’t—and doesn’t—want the noncitizens removed from the state’s voter rolls because doing so could adversely affect Democrats. Period.

The UN’s Pathetic Attempt to Rule the World

The UN’s Pathetic Attempt to Rule the World: The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) opened its 79th session on September 24 with a week of speeches by representatives of 134 nations (out of a total of 193 members states, with another 118 observer entities and organizations). The UN is officially a member state organization, so it was appropriate to provide a forum for national leaders to express their points of view. The problem is that the UN’s bureaucracy thinks of itself as more than a forum for international politics. It is a large institution wanting to set a global agenda as a prototype world government. Its word-salad theme for the new session is "Leaving no one behind: acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development and human dignity for present and future generations."

A Trump hater has realized that he fears Harris more than he hates Trump

A Trump hater has realized that he fears Harris more than he hates Trump : There’s nothing like having your life flash before your eyes to bring clarity and, as people watch Harris and Biden in action, that clarity is bringing real fear. One of those people facing that fear is Gordon Sondland, the former U.S. Ambassador to the European Union during the Trump administration, who testified during Trump’s Ukraine impeachment and disavowed him after January 6. Despite Sondland’s deep dislike for Trump, he fears Harris more.

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

JD Vance Dominates VP Debate


VP Debate Moderators Quickly Come Under Fire for Helping Tim Walz: 'Even Worse Than ABC'

VP Debate Moderators Quickly Come Under Fire for Helping Tim Walz: 'Even Worse Than ABC': Many viewers of Tuesday night's debate felt that the CBS News moderators showed incredible bias against Sen. J.D. Vance.

Government Abuse: How Politicians Steal Homes and Sell Them for a Profit

Dick Cheney Loves KamaLOL!!!

Dick Cheney Loves KamaLOL!!!: Mainstream news propagandists are busy touting Dick Cheney’s endorsement of KamaLOL Harris and Tim the Walrus as proof that their brand of communism appeals to Americans across party lines.  I don’t know what’s funnier — that Democrats have become Cheney superfans or that they think his opinion holds any sway with conservative voters.  

The Kamala Harris Afghanistan Legacy

The Kamala Harris Afghanistan Legacy: Kamala Harris said she was the last person in the room when the Harris/Biden regime cooked up the stupid strategy to withdraw from Afghanistan by evacuating the military first.  Then-president of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani fled the nation in the summer of 2021, likely taking airplanes full of cash.  Harris and secretary of state Antony Blinken gravely misjudged the strength of the Taliban, believing that it would not be able to take control of the country, at least not without a lot of time and help.  Hapless Blinken admitted in a gross understatement that the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban “has happened more quickly than we anticipated.”  It happened so fast that you would need a stopwatch to map out that timeline.

JD Vance told the truth about the abortion in Minnesota and Walz, along with the media, are bald-faced liars

JD Vance told the truth about the abortion in Minnesota and Walz, along with the media, are bald-faced liars: In 2023, Minnesota repealed protections for infants born alive during botched abortions, meaning that doctors and mothers can let a fully-developed baby die without health care—which is exactly what President Trump and JD Vance have been saying. There are no limits in Minnesota, and a handful of other states, as to how late an “abortion” can be performed.

RFK Jr. Mocks Kamala Harris's 'I Was Born In The Middle Class' Refrain

Why They Hate Trump

Why They Hate Trump: If you’re old enough to vote in the United States, then you’re old enough to remember a time when Americans of all political stripes liked Donald Trump.  A public figure for most of his adult life, a businessman with a taste for luxury, and a showman who embodied the “American dream,” Trump appeared in television shows and movies because people enjoyed seeing him.  For decades, he was an American icon with universal name recognition, a global brand, and even a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. 

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

JD Vance Confronts Moderators After They Repeatedly Break Their Own Rules

JD Vance Confronts Moderators After They Repeatedly Break Their Own Rules

Kamala Harris After Tim Walz's VP Debate Performance


Tim Walz Has Long History of Discriminating Against Christians

Tim Walz Has Long History of Discriminating Against Christians

Eight Migrants Arrested After Allegedly Looting Flood-Ravaged Tennessee

Eight Migrants Arrested After Allegedly Looting Flood-Ravaged Tennessee: A sheriff's office in Tennessee has announced the arrest of eight suspects accused of looting a flood-ravaged community.

Jesse Watters: Biden, Harris MIA for Disaster Again as Trump Steps Into Presidential Role

Jesse Watters: Biden, Harris MIA for Disaster Again as Trump Steps Into Presidential Role: Fox News host Jesse Watters contrasted the presidential actions taken by Donald Trump following disasters with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Bill O'Reilly: 'I Am Sounding the Alarm' on Kamala Harris

Alabama’s Secretary of State purges illegals from the voter rolls, DOJ sues

Alabama’s Secretary of State purges illegals from the voter rolls, DOJ sues: Most of the media and other Democrats say we don’t need people to prove their citizenship to vote and we don’t need to have photo IDs because it is already illegal for non-citizens to register to vote, and there is no evidence that there is a risk.

Yet when Alabama finds 3,251 non-citizens registered to vote after they were given noncitizen identification numbers by DHS, and its Secretary of State wants to remove them from the voting rolls, the Justice Department, under the orders of Biden-Harris, sues them. 

Non-citizen cop can now arrest you in Walz’s Minnesota

Non-citizen cop can now arrest you in Walz’s Minnesota: We give our police officers extreme power.  We provide them with the right to arrest us before we are convicted in court or even indicted by a Grand Jury.  We give them guns and qualified immunity to use those firearms.

Now, in Tim Walz’s Minnesota, a non-citizen Muslim from Somalia has all those special rights.

I’ll assume Somali-native Officer Lesly Vera is a good woman.  Now 23, she emigrated legally when she was four.  Although she has been here for 19 years, we wonder how much of America she really understands, and respects.  Rather than moving to a town where she could assimilate into our American culture, her mother took her to the largest Somali community in the U.S.

Plain truth: Carbon credits are worthless

Plain truth: Carbon credits are worthless: The first thing people have to know is there is absolutely zero scientific evidence  that CO2, cars, oil, coal, natural gas, methane, or anything else that is being blamed for the climate has any direct relationship with temperatures, sea levels, or storm activity. 

Temperatures have risen and fallen the last 160 years, just as they have for billions of years, while we have used all of these products. 

Droughts come and go today, as they have throughout history.  The reason there are so many deserts is long droughts throughout history.