
Tuesday, September 03, 2024

The Great Realignment

The Great Realignment: The Trump campaign has been shaking the foundations of America since he came down the escalator.  Part of the shake-up is due to Trump himself.  A blue-collar billionaire who was not part of the political in-crowd.  Brash.  Bold.  Creative.  Speaks his mind.  He knows how to sell and promote his ideas.  He has the gift of multi-tasking.  He dealt with real estate and construction in New York and did equally well as a television superstar.  He is simply impossible for his detractors to control.

This shaking is also caused by the leftist response to Trump.  He drives them to drink while he is sober (not necessarily a shot at Kamala).  Their reaction has been hysterical, going so far over-the-top in fighting him that they begin to self-destruct.  One extraordinary outcome of their singular focus to destroy Trump has been that they’ve failed.  I’m not sure anyone else could have lasted against this army of angry mutant leftists aiming to destroy them.  Their response to Trump has no equal historically.  The anger blinding them has rarely been seen.  Maybe never.  They must spend each day messaging one another thousands of new plans to rid themselves of this turbulent priest.

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