Wednesday, January 31, 2024
The Death of Citizenship
The Death of Citizenship: From 1860 to 2000, in the largest legal migration in human history, over 61 million immigrants arrived in the United States. They were not only escaping poverty and oppression, but they were eager to assimilate and attain the most sought-after nation...
Assessing Donald J. Trump
Assessing Donald J. Trump: “By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.” — William Shakespeare.
If you are cynical and look at the Donald J. Trump phenomenon, you could say to yourself, “Who cares, it doesn’t matter; even if ...
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
WEF Totalitarians Seek to Euthanize the West
WEF Totalitarians Seek to Euthanize the West: Totalitarianism is the warm bath in which civilization slits its wrists. It envelops the people with petty rules, strange dogmas, immoral duties, and forced sacrifices. It warms its victims with intoxicating promises of the gove...
Monday, January 29, 2024
Ilhan Omar makes clear her allegiance, and it’s not to America
Ilhan Omar makes clear her allegiance, and it’s not to America: When sworn into the House, a new congressperson promises to “bear true faith and allegiance” to the Constitution of the United States and, by extension, to the United States itself. Ilhan Omar, however, recently gave a speech in Minnesota...
After months of acting as if Trump’s fraud trial were legitimate (instead of a political hit), AP finally commits act of journalism
After months of acting as if Trump’s fraud trial were legitimate (instead of a political hit), AP finally commits act of journalism: There was no fraud! There were disclosures that essentially said “don’t rely on these numbers.” No one lost money. There was no evidence that Trump got better interest rates than others with the same cash flow.
If every real esta...
Sunday, January 28, 2024
Why is no one wondering why the Trump trials have such idiotic jurors?
Why is no one wondering why the Trump trials have such idiotic jurors?: “There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice.” --Montesquieu
Those of us old enough to remember the infamous trial of O.J. Simpson will certainly remembe...
The Navy is lowering its recruitment standards
The Navy is lowering its recruitment standards: The military can't get enough recruits.
What is the Navy's solution? Just lower the standards.
Here's the latest news:
No diploma? No problem! Navy again lowers requirements as it struggles to...
Today’s ‘Climate Crisis’ Is a Fairy Tale
Today’s ‘Climate Crisis’ Is a Fairy Tale: For the past 35 years, the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has warned us that emissions from the burning of fossil fuels, predominantly carbon dioxide (CO2), are causing dangerous global warming. This...
Garbage from homeless population clogs storm drains, floods San Diego County homes
Garbage from homeless population clogs storm drains, floods San Diego County homes: Here in San Diego, we get very little rain. But when we do get it, it's a torrent. Even it isn't a torrent by, say, Florida standards, it's a torrent to us, enough to create disruptions.
Here's a pretty intolerable one:
Friday, January 26, 2024
Feds press banks to turn in customers who may be Trump-supporters, outdoor enthusiasts
Feds press banks to turn in customers who may be Trump-supporters, outdoor enthusiasts: Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) recently revealed that federal investigators in the aftermath of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot asked financial institutions to dig through customer data using search terms such as “TRUMP” and “MAGA.”

Donald Trump,
Liberal Fascism
Giving Peacock the bird
Giving Peacock the bird: As the NFL bread and circuses brigade marches blindly toward Super Bowl Sunday, the league finally tipped its hand when it streamed one of its wildcard playoff games between the Kansas City Chiefs and the Miami Dolphins. Perhaps you were o...
Nikki Haley and the serious problem of open primaries
Nikki Haley and the serious problem of open primaries: The two-party system has been integral to America’s governance since its inception when the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists battled it out over the nature of America itself. Since then, the chasm between the parties has varied depending on...
Trump: America’s ‘Coat’ for a Globalist Winter
Trump: America’s ‘Coat’ for a Globalist Winter: Market researcher and financial cycle analyst Charles Nenner has described Donald Trump in an insightful way. In an interview earlier this month, Nenner predicted that we are simultaneously entering both a devastating global war ...
Why are Thousands of Pharmacies Closing?
Why are Thousands of Pharmacies Closing?: About five years ago the only pharmacy in my small town in rural Virginia closed. A year or so later a second county drugstore failed. Soon the owner of the last remaining drugstore in the county was unable to make a profit and had t...
Is Biden Poison-Pilling Trump?
Is Biden Poison-Pilling Trump?: I am reminded of an important lesson I received as a kid, when a friend of my father spent weeks trying to help my dad figure out what was wrong with our family car. For weeks on Saturdays, I would watch these two inexperienced men attempt...
Thursday, January 25, 2024
While Attacking Trump for Mixing Up Names, Nancy Pelosi Does the Exact Same Thing
While Attacking Trump for Mixing Up Names, Nancy Pelosi Does the Exact Same Thing: While attempting to blast ex-President Donald Trump, California Democrat Nancy Pelosi committed the same gaffe she accused him of
Trump’s VP Pick
Trump’s VP Pick: Donald Trump knew what he had to do nearly eight years ago. As a political outsider, he played the smart card. Trump, the GOP’s presidential nominee, picked a stiff as his running mate, someone that, first, reassured the Republican establishmen...
Can the left peacefully coexist with us?
Can the left peacefully coexist with us?: The Biden administration is tearing down any obstructions to the illegal invasion. The flood is overwhelming shelters and hospitals while the left is falling all over itself to offer taxpay...
Democrats spreading phony tales of Republicans wanting to ban things to scare people
Democrats spreading phony tales of Republicans wanting to ban things to scare people: Democrats seem to have gotten a new round of talking points and lately have been complaining about Republicans supposedly wanting to ban things.
Here are a couple of examples:
Biden Says Republicans ‘Doubling Down’ With Plan for N...
Poll: Over half of Democrats ‘strongly support’ aborting babies with Down Syndrome
Poll: Over half of Democrats ‘strongly support’ aborting babies with Down Syndrome: Margaret Sanger, a woman who helped to found the American Birth Control League, which became Planned Parenthood, wanted birth control to build a cleaner race. She wanted to essentially limit who could have babies, and believed she knew best regarding...
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Exit polls show ‘70%’ of Nikki Haley NH voters were… wait for it… not Republicans
Exit polls show ‘70%’ of Nikki Haley NH voters were… wait for it… not Republicans: With “Republicans” like Nikki Haley’s apparent supporters, who needs Democrats?
Here’s this, as reported by CNN last night:
Roughly 7 in 10 of the New Hampshire voters backing Trump said they were registered as R...
Schadenfreude: Trump wins New Hampshire, and yeah, there were reasons
Schadenfreude: Trump wins New Hampshire, and yeah, there were reasons: After months of media fussing about the competition within the GOP race, President Trump settled the matter once and for all by winning liberal-ish New Hampshire by a 20-point margin. All the talking heads claiming this was some kind of suspense race...
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
‘Conservative’ Supreme Court justices side with leftists to keep the border open
‘Conservative’ Supreme Court justices side with leftists to keep the border open: A country without a border is not a country, especially when that country hands out benefits like candy on Halloween to the people who enter illegally. Nevertheless, since the day he took office, Biden has opened America’s southern border throu...
USA Today bellyaches about the lack of censorship and the proliferation of truth
USA Today bellyaches about the lack of censorship and the proliferation of truth: The first sentence in the article says it all:
“Social media is still not doing enough to stop misinformation denying the existence and causes of climate change.”
For one thing, I have never seen anyone say that the climate is not c...

Corrupt Liberal Media,
Liberal Fascism
Illegal aliens are killing Colorado’s second-largest hospital
Illegal aliens are killing Colorado’s second-largest hospital: Unlike conservatives, who tend to be linear, simplistic thinkers, in part because conservativism is about clarity and clarity leads to an Occam’s Razor simplicity, leftists are more Machiavellian, hatching ideas that achieve multiple goals. Tha...
Monday, January 22, 2024
A look back at Ron DeSantis's failed presidential campaign and his future in politics
A look back at Ron DeSantis's failed presidential campaign and his future in politics: A few hours back, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis ended his presidential campaign. DeSantis chose Twitter to make the announcement, the very social media platform where he launched his campaign last May.
2024 — America’s Year of Living Dangerously
Historian Victor Davis Hanson raises concerns about the winding day of the Biden presidency:
Lame-duck presidencies, especially in the last six months of their final term, in general can offer opportunities for America’s enemies to take advantage of a perceived vacuum as one government transitions to the next.
But these normal changeover months are especially dangerous when a perceived weak or appeasing lame-duck president is likely to be replaced by a strong deterrent successor that will likely serve as a corrective to his disastrous policies.
Bidenflation strikes: If you waited to buy your ‘Forever’ stamps, you’re out of luck
Bidenflation strikes: If you waited to buy your ‘Forever’ stamps, you’re out of luck: If you were planning to buy “Forever” stamps from the post office, the ones that can be used even after rate changes, it’s too late. The US Postal Service has increased its rates…again.
The US Postal Service’s offici...
Florida Leads the Way on Fighting Voter Fraud
Florida Leads the Way on Fighting Voter Fraud: The Florida Office of Election Crimes and Security (OECS) was created by Governor Ron DeSantis to receive and investigate election-related complaints. In most cases, the Office subsequently refers the complaints to appropriate county or st...
Forget Michelle Obama or Gavin Newsom -- Dems' Choice to Replace Biden is Nikki Haley
Forget Michelle Obama or Gavin Newsom -- Dems' Choice to Replace Biden is Nikki Haley: President Joe Biden is clearly declining cognitively and physically, based on his garbled speech, frequent falls, disorientation on stage, and inappropriate behavior, especially toward young girls.
Voters agree.
In the Democrat stronghold of N...
Sunday, January 21, 2024
Trump II: Save America Again!
Trump II: Save America Again!: It helps to remind Americans of the inspirational dream of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. of judging others by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin. In particular, there is an urgent need to warn many of ...
An Amish Farmer’s Food Rights Battle
An Amish Farmer’s Food Rights Battle: The January 4th raid on Amish farmer Amos Miller’s Pennsylvania establishment, reflects a growing tension between government regulation of food safety and liberty-minded individualists distrusting industrial food production. Pennsylvania ...
Our Weird Passivity Toward Iran’s Aggression
Our Weird Passivity Toward Iran’s Aggression: Watching our response to Iranian aggression against us and our allies, I’m reminded of Sherlock Holmes mystery, “The Curious Case of the Dog That Didn’t Bark.” Turns out the watchdog didn’t bark because it kne...
Saturday, January 20, 2024
Friday, January 19, 2024
Milei brings a lot of common sense to Davos
Milei brings a lot of common sense to Davos: Who knew that a president from Argentina would deliver a speech about freedom and capitalism? I ask “who knew” because we expect speeches like that from a U.S. president or some Western leader. I guess those were the days my f...
Biden Becomes Confused 90 Seconds Into Speech, Insists He Took Photo with Congresswoman Who Wasn't There
Biden Becomes Confused 90 Seconds Into Speech, Insists He Took Photo with Congresswoman Who Wasn't There: America has many enemies, and displays like this by the leader of the free world are an invitation for them to test our strength.
So filled with fraud: The green agenda and the rich who benefit from it
So filled with fraud: The green agenda and the rich who benefit from it:
The federal government essentially has ordered electric car companies to commit fraud.
Here's the headline:
The Electric-Vehicle Cheating Scandal
A government rule makes them look nearly seven times as efficient as they are.
Nikki Haley and the Never-Trumpers couldn’t be more wrong about the Don
Nikki Haley and the Never-Trumpers couldn’t be more wrong about the Don: It is a true shame that Nikki Haley and other Republicans say President Trump can’t win elections and that he causes chaos. The chaos has been caused by relentless lies about Trump and political prosecutions. What was Trump supposed to do? Just...
Thursday, January 18, 2024
Who is Trump’s real opponent? Not Biden.
Who is Trump’s real opponent? Not Biden.: Biden is a symptom, not a cause of America’s illness. The cause lies in the embrace by the Democrat party of a Marxist/fascist hybrid collectivism, to be elevated by any means necessary.
Biden will almost certainly be replaced before the general election, and not with Kamala Harris. This will likely be timed to happen very deep into the election cycle to ensure that Republicans have as little time as possible to expose the new nominee as the Marxist puppet he surely will be.
Media members panic with the record cold, worry it will derail ‘warming’ tale
Media members panic with the record cold, worry it will derail ‘warming’ tale: Hint: If all the things we are told cause warming, actually did, it would be warming everywhere. You wouldn’t have record cold temperatures across different climates and regions.
The people writing this garbage obviously assume people will just believe whatever they are told, and like them, do no research of their own.
Donald Trump and the Fate of the Nation
Donald Trump and the Fate of the Nation: It appears, short of a catastrophic event over the next eight months that forces him out of the race, Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee for president in 2024. By capturing the nomination, he will be thrust into a stark and near untenable situation in November.
Regardless of who they nominate, the Democrats will make the entire election campaign about Donald Trump, as they did with overwhelming success in the midterms of 2018 and 2022 and the presidential election of 2020. He and the bulk of Republican electorate are well aware of this reality. Therefore, once Trump accepts the nomination, he must win the general election, or, by default, he will be solely responsible for the fate of this nation if he loses to whoever the Democrats nominate.
A Government that Sows Division and Subsidizes Madness
A Government that Sows Division and Subsidizes Madness: If I believe myself to be a fork, must society be made to agree? Should I be encouraged to hang out near salad bars with the expectation that diners will trust me with their food? If I continue to get passed over for other silverware, should I be allowed to sue for discrimination? Or worse, if someone has the nerve to call me a spoon, will the government step in to punish that “bigot” for mis-utensiling me?
With a growing demographic collapse, the biggest threat to China is … China
With a growing demographic collapse, the biggest threat to China is…China: China is a serious threat to America’s dominance in the world, and when America’s dominance collapses, so does America’s lovely standard of living. Nothing happening within the U.S., especially on Biden’s watch, will change th...
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
Watch: Anti-Trump CEO Admits Trump Was Right About Key Issues, Says Biden's Attacks Against MAGA Hurt Him
Watch: Anti-Trump CEO Admits Trump Was Right About Key Issues, Says Biden's Attacks Against MAGA Hurt Him: Dimon called out Democrats for demonizing Trump’s base of supporters and appealed to them to treat conservatives as human beings.
Department of Justice Finally Admits the Truth About Hunter Biden Laptop in New Court Filing
Department of Justice Finally Admits the Truth About Hunter Biden Laptop in New Court Filing: The Department of Justice finally admitted to something about Hunter Biden's laptop we've all known for years.
2024 Promises the Expansion of the Green Energy Scam
2024 Promises the Expansion of the Green Energy Scam: Years ago, I wrote a post about how cheap air travel to Europe was ruining America. My point was that the Americans visiting Europe were confusing what they experienced as a tourist with the reality of life in Europe. These progressive American fans ...
Why Trump keeps coming back
Why Trump keeps coming back: With Iowa in the rearview mirror, the “Trump Boomerang” hit the MAGA haters in the Democrat party and their pathetic mass media friends, who belch bile on MSNBC, on the backs of their heads.
How could this happen? From...
Facts don’t care about feelings, but Democrats don’t care about facts
Facts don’t care about feelings, but Democrats don’t care about facts: The southern border in the United States is the place that causes half of all migrant deaths in the world, yet most of the media rarely even mention deaths at the border; remember this September report?
A report from the International Organizati...
From the open border to anti-poverty programs, the Democrats wage war on the lower class
From the open border to anti-poverty programs, the Democrats wage war on the lower class: It has been obvious for a long time that Joe Biden's open border is causing massive problems throughout America, but especially for the poor, which obviously includes blacks and other minorities.
When you intentionally flood the country with m...
The Immigration Speech Donald Trump Needs to Deliver
The Immigration Speech Donald Trump Needs to Deliver: When newly announced candidate Donald Trump rode down the escalator at Trump Tower in June 2015, he famously promised to, “Build the wall and make Mexico pay for it.”
He certainly tried to build a wall on our southern border but unfort...
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
All Republicans have to know about the leftist media
All Republicans have to know about the leftist media: All Republicans need to know is that the last time NYT endorsed a Republican for president, it was Eisenhower in the 1950s. The WaPo has never endorsed a Republican for President. And it really doesn't matter who the Democrat is. He can be as corrupt as Hillary and Biden, and they will endorse them. They also don't care how much any Democrat abuses his power. The Constitution and separation of powers are not important to them.
Media operatives peddle ‘strong economy’ narrative but include contradicting facts
Media operatives peddle ‘strong economy’ narrative but include contradicting facts: Here is a frontpage headline from The Wall Street Journal weekend edition just a few days ago:
Strong Economy Boosts Banks Results
In the article they said that consumers and businesses drive a rise in earnings at the largest U.S firms, yet I f...
FAA looking for people with ‘severe’ psychiatric problems to diversify the agency’s workforce
FAA looking for people with ‘severe’ psychiatric problems to diversify the agency’s workforce: The Federal Aviation Administration now says that the way to make the skies safer is to make their workforce more diverse, including hiring people with “severe” intellectual disabilities and psychiatric disabilities. No, this is not satir...
Lloyd Austin and our government’s lack of accountability
Lloyd Austin and our government’s lack of accountability: Very early in serving in uniform in the US Military, one learns a very important ironclad rule of leadership; namely, that you can delegate responsibility but not accountability. When Secretary Lloyd Austin was exposed for having committed the horren...
Can Universities Coexist with Free Speech?
Can Universities Coexist with Free Speech?: In the wake of the Hamas-Israel conflict and its aftermath, major university presidents have demonstrated a willingness — or notable reticence — to speak out amid the anger expressed by faculty, students, alumni, and donors. The per...
Monday, January 15, 2024
Nikki Haley: The Republican candidate for Democrats
Nikki Haley: The Republican candidate for Democrats: Nikki Haley often says very conservative things. For example, I truly appreciate her stalwart support for Israel (although I do not appreciate her seeming efforts to get America involved in a boots-on-the-ground hot war on Israel’s behalf). How...
Take Your Government Job and Shove It
Take Your Government Job and Shove It: Under Joe Biden, the Labor Department’s monthly jobs report numbers keep trending downwards; the impactful reports reflect the health of our economy, and hold great sway with the Fed, business community, and bond and stock markets. Given their pervasive influence on economic sentiment and expectations, you’d think the data collectors and compilers would bother to be somewhat punctilious. Instead, they overstated job creation by a whopping 439,000 in 2023.
Air Force Officer Makes History at 2024 Miss America Pageant: 'The Sky Is Not the Limit'
Air Force Officer Makes History at 2024 Miss America Pageant: 'The Sky Is Not the Limit': The Air Force X account was quick to congratulate Madison Marsh on her stunning win in the Miss America pageant.
The Official Catholic Church Is Alienating Its Faithful Base
The Official Catholic Church Is Alienating Its Faithful Base: Here in the West, ‘regular’ Catholics in the pews are worried about and baffled by Pope Francis, who regularly pounces on and ‘takes sides’ on secular and political subjects, far more than did any of his predecessors.
The P...
Today’s Journalists Seek Power, Not Truth
Today’s Journalists Seek Power, Not Truth: NPR, The New York Times, and other leftist propaganda organs parading as reliable news publications wrapped up 2023 by jeering House Republicans for passing only twenty-seven bills that became laws. Hyperventilating like out-of-shape ...
Twilight of the Democrats
Twilight of the Democrats: I often say that the greatest political miracle in of all American history is that the Democrats somehow managed to survive the Civil War. They did, however, have to wait until 1884 to win a national election when New York governor Grover Cleveland d...
Sunday, January 14, 2024
The Democrat-to-English Dictionary — updated for 2024
The Democrat-to-English Dictionary — updated for 2024: In this era of hoaxes, euphemisms, obfuscation, and lies, I once again offer the following as a public service. Here are more (mostly new!) selections from…
The Democrat-to-English Dictionary
*Ableism: the unfounded and bigoted belief th...
Trump gets ridiculed in the press no matter what the truth of what he says
Trump gets ridiculed in the press no matter what the truth of what he says: President Trump was ridiculed recently for saying that he believed negotiations could have prevented the Civil War:
During the interview with Salena Zito of the conservative Washington Examiner, Mr Trump questioned why the country coul...
Saturday, January 13, 2024
Poll Analysis: A Surge in Black Voter Support for Trump
Poll Analysis: A Surge in Black Voter Support for Trump: Two prominent psephologists cautioned that some high polling results for Donald Trump among Black voters were "quirky," given the smaller sample sizes in individual polls, and emphasized the importance of aggregating such polls, ten as a minimum, for a more accurate assessment.
Friday, January 12, 2024
Thursday, January 11, 2024
Anthony Fauci Finally Admits the Truth About Evidence Behind COVID Guidelines
Anthony Fauci Finally Admits the Truth About Evidence Behind COVID Guidelines: Social distancing rules imposed during the pandemic were never based on facts, Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted to Congress.
Fox Town Hall with Trump Crushes CNN's GOP Debate in TV Ratings
Fox Town Hall with Trump Crushes CNN's GOP Debate in TV Ratings: Television viewers were more interested in watching Donald Trump than Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis.
The Electric Car Con Explained
The Electric Car Con Explained: Is electricity a source of energy? Most people will answer yes, which is incorrect. Electricity carries energy but it is not itself a source of energy, which in the U.S. is supplied 60% by natural gas and coal, 18% nuclear and 22% renewables (hydro, ...
Higher education is leftist education, but we can change that
Higher education is leftist education, but we can change that: The real higher education problem is the leftist brand that most colleges espouse. College presidents who hate Jews can be fired all the way back to the community college level, and you really don’t address the overall bias problem that the lac...
Wednesday, January 10, 2024
Trump Leaves Biden in the Dust in Critical Swing State: 'These Numbers Are Very Bad for Any Incumbent'
Trump Leaves Biden in the Dust in Critical Swing State: 'These Numbers Are Very Bad for Any Incumbent': Everyman wisdom suggests that if Biden and Trump face each other head-to-head, whoever wins Michigan wins the presidency.
Anthony Fauci Finally Admits the Truth About Evidence Behind COVID Guidelines
Anthony Fauci Finally Admits the Truth About Evidence Behind COVID Guidelines: Social distancing rules imposed during the pandemic were never based on facts, Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted to Congress.
Fourth Estate, Fifth Column
Fourth Estate, Fifth Column: The term Fourth Estate, as many know, refers to the press; “press” being a now-archaic description hearkening back to a simpler time, when delivering news was strictly a function of metal, paper, ink, and the time it took to get it to the...
The Hot Mic Files: DC journalists caught joking about a Trump assassination ‘like JFK’
The Hot Mic Files: DC journalists caught joking about a Trump assassination ‘like JFK’: When we think about Trump Derangement Syndrome, what likely first comes to our minds are the totally mental antics of the Trump-obsessed left: we see the ugly liberal fatties screaming in the street while wearing vagina hats; we might think of Rob Re...
Nancy Pelosi erupts: to heck with that inconvenient Constitution, we can’t have another Trump term
Nancy Pelosi erupts: to heck with that inconvenient Constitution, we can’t have another Trump term: The media and other Democrats have been trying to destroy President Trump since before he even took office, even though that meant endless lies and concocted criminal hoaxes. They can’t afford an outsider to come in and take away the power they...
Lipstick on a squealing, fickle, and dementia-addled pig
Lipstick on a squealing, fickle, and dementia-addled pig: They essentially have to put lipstick on a pig.
They have to mislead the public into thinking that a president whose policies are destroying America and making the world less safe is doing a wonderful job. In a piece out at USA Today, the Democrat...
Tuesday, January 09, 2024
A New Exodus for Jewish Democrats
A New Exodus for Jewish Democrats: Before the United States instituted the National Origins Quota of 1924 and limited immigration, over two million people of Jewish heritage, mostly from central Europe or Russia, had entered the United States. The old world was rampant with anti-Semit...
Apparently, houseplants now contribute to climate change
Apparently, houseplants now contribute to climate change: The climate-change killjoys have gone to great lengths in recent years linking practically anything and everything as a contributor to climate change. Gas stoves? Check. Dishwashers? Check. Eating meat? Check. Sporting events? Che...
Electric buses: another bankrupt green boondoggle
Electric buses: another bankrupt green boondoggle: Electric buses are just like electric passenger vehicles: they’re not ready for prime time, only more so. Proterra buses are a case in point. Cities that wasted money on them found they had far less range then advertised. They commonly couldn&r...
Biden's ‘America Last’ Policy at Work
Biden's ‘America Last’ Policy at Work: While considering the bumbling joke that currently occupies the Bully Pulpit's "America Last" policy, ponder what he wrote in 2019: "By nearly every measure, the credibility and influence of the United States in the world have diminished since President Barack Obama and I left office on January 20, 2017. President Donald Trump has belittled, undermined, and in some cases abandoned U.S. allies and partners. He has turned on our own... troops. He has emboldened our adversaries and squandered our leverage to contend with national security challenges from North Korea to Iran, from Syria to Afghanistan to Venezuela..."
Ironic, isn't it? Biden outlined exactly what his "America Last" policy would accomplish as he belittled Donald Trump.
US Employment Reports Greatly Exaggerated, Over 400,000 Jobs Mistakenly Added to Total
US Employment Reports Greatly Exaggerated, Over 400,000 Jobs Mistakenly Added to Total: Job growth figures touted by the Biden administration overstated growth by more than 400,000 jobs, according to a new report.
Monday, January 08, 2024
Biden Campaign Holding Coaching Sessions with Establishment Media, Invoking Special 'Spreadsheet'
Biden Campaign Holding Coaching Sessions with Establishment Media, Invoking Special 'Spreadsheet': The Biden campaign has decided to take direct action to improve reporting on Biden's failures, making the media a tool of the government.
Which Democrat policies do Liz Cheney and other never-Trumpers think are good for America?
Which Democrat policies do Liz Cheney and other never-Trumpers think are good for America?: Liz Cheney is very popular now on media outlets because she is trashing President Trump.
She says she wants Democrats to be in charge of everything in 2025.
I wonder how much she is getting paid.
According to ...
The election might be thrown into chaos, but not by Trump
The election might be thrown into chaos, but not by Trump: “I Just Hope We Get Fair Treatment” -- That should have been the takeaway headline from Trump’s remarks this past Friday in Sioux Center, Iowa.
Instead, Trump’s remarks were presented to the American people as a possible th...
Meritocracy and the Democrats
Meritocracy and the Democrats: What is painfully obvious but not often said in so many words, is that today’s Democrat party is caught in a trap of its own making. Back when they got clobbered in the midterm election of 2010, Dan Balz of the Washington Post announced on Publ...
No Border – Say Goodbye to America
No Border – Say Goodbye to America: Nobel prize-winning economist Milton Friedman scolded the Wall Street Journal for cheerleading an open-border immigration policy.
Sunday, January 07, 2024
Funny how it costs more to open a border than build a wall
Funny how it costs more to open a border than build a wall: Back in the old days, when President Trump sought a piddly couple of billion to build a border wall, Democrats bellowed that it was too costly and America couldn't afford it.
My, my, how things have changed.
These days we learn that if...
Joe Biden: the medications and vacations aren't working
Joe Biden: the medications and vacations aren't working: Poor Joe Biden. He had a hard day at Valley Forge telling us “democracy is on the ballot,” and “I understand power.” No one knows what he meant by that. It was a day so hard he was badly confused thereafter as Fox New reports:...
Saturday, January 06, 2024
Friday, January 05, 2024
Invasion Inversion: Turning America Upside-Down
Invasion Inversion: Turning America Upside-Down: Behold: It’s the leprechaun-logistics theory of magic migration that tells us hordes of clean, fed, and comfortably shod invading migrants miraculously and spontaneously appear at the America end of their personal rainbows, where they demand po...
The Year of Living Dangerously has Begun
The Year of Living Dangerously has Begun: With the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary looming, more than the traditional silly season in politics has begun. A dangerous year is about to unfold, with dangers to follow. Not since 1860 has the nation faced a presidential election so conseq...
New York law attacks religious freedom
New York law attacks religious freedom: A New York statute targeting Chick-fil-A for its Christian faith turns American history—and Constitutional law—upside down. The “Rest Stop Restaurant Act” seeks to compel food service providers to stay open seven days a ...
It’s always climate change
It’s always climate change: Who do you blame for the Dodgers, Rays, and Braves going down in the first round of the baseball playoffs? It was running into a hot team, and we blame that on climate change. Hot team, global warming, or climate change. What else c...
Thursday, January 04, 2024
Can Trump paint blue states red?
Can Trump paint blue states red?: According to the numbers, it is looking good for President Trump in a rematch with President Biden. Can it look better? Can he expand the map and turn a few blue states red? The Trump campaign thinks so. Let's read:
Former President Don...
Biden administration cleans up border for congressional visit: Nothing to see here, move along
Biden administration cleans up border for congressional visit: Nothing to see here, move along:
Joe Biden's keeping to his priorities in this presidential term he's 'serving' and that means appearances are more important than reality.
Which brings us to the border, where a Congressional delegation of 60 is expected ...
Wednesday, January 03, 2024
Number of Voters Saying Biden's Election 'Illegitimate' Jumps 20% in WaPo Poll
Number of Voters Saying Biden's Election 'Illegitimate' Jumps 20% in WaPo Poll: The numbers held across the board, among Republicans, independents and even Democrats. That isn't good news for the White House.
Separating fact from fiction on ‘climate change’
Separating fact from fiction on ‘climate change’: Why is it easier to find lies in the media about “climate change” than truthful information? Why is honest reporting on the environment an outlier instead of a rule?
Media parrots have said for decades that humans, and our use of natur...
Corrupt Liberal Media 101
CNN anchor assures viewers that Claudine Gay did not plagiarize, she’s only accused of ‘copying other people’s writings without attribution’: If only there were a word for such “sloppy” work in academia when someone takes another’s writing and passes it off as their own….
Alas though, the mystery word didn’t come to CNN analyst Matt Egan, but despite the f...
Trump and Reagan: Two Great Communicators
Trump and Reagan: Two Great Communicators: While Ronald Reagan was known as “The Great Communicator,” Donald Trump’s rhetoric is lamented by almost everyone. However, similarities abound between their two communication styles.
Both relied on their previous work...

Donald Trump,
Ronald Reagan
Tuesday, January 02, 2024
Junk Climate Science
Junk Climate Science: A popular saying is that those that don’t believe in God will believe in anything. Global warming provides and excellent reason for making an effort to believe in God, or at least in Judeo-Christian ideology that is the basis of our civilizatio...
2024: Do We Hit the Iceberg or Finally Change Course?
2024: Do We Hit the Iceberg or Finally Change Course?: It is difficult for any American who loves this country to watch its political, economic, and military “leaders” destroy it. Part of the political theater propping up the illusion of electoral choice in this Kabuki dance that the St...
Poll: Trump Takes Lead from Biden, Seizes Young and Hispanic Voters
Poll: Trump Takes Lead from Biden, Seizes Young and Hispanic Voters: Younger voters and Hispanics were key to Democrat Joe Biden's win over then-President Donald Trump in 2020.
Monday, January 01, 2024
Trump Speaks with Better Command of Language Than Biden, Study Shows
Trump Speaks with Better Command of Language Than Biden, Study Shows: A study sure to drive woke leftists to their wit's end finds that Donald Trump has a better command of English than Joe Biden.
Sixty-five years of communism and destruction
Sixty-five years of communism and destruction: There is something eerie about January 1 for Cubans of my generation. My brother, sister, and I always find a minute to hear another story of that fateful January 1, 1959, when our lives were turned upside-down. We ended up in the U.S. and ...
America’s judiciary is quietly receiving ‘training’ from leftwing climate group
America’s judiciary is quietly receiving ‘training’ from leftwing climate group: With Enlightenment came secularism, with secularism came relativism, with relativism came leftism, and with leftism comes judicial activism. No longer are Western courts viewed as a place of arbitration based upon absolute Judeo-Christian morality an...
WaPo tries to drag President Trump down with Nikki Haley’s idiocy
WaPo tries to drag President Trump down with Nikki Haley’s idiocy: This is another piece of idiotic trash in The Washington Post to destroy President Trump, in the minds of the public, as they have tried to do for seven years:
Led by Trump, GOP candidates take polarizing stances on race and history
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