Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Virginia Governor Bans Worship But Considers Abortions 'Essential' During Months-Long Virus Lockdown
Virginia Governor Bans Worship But Considers Abortions 'Essential' During Months-Long Virus Lockdown: Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam allows Planned Parenthood to continue to perform 'essential' abortion services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Kennedy Center Furloughs Employees After Accepting $25 Million In Federal Relief
Kennedy Center Furloughs Employees After Accepting $25 Million In Federal Relief: After Pelosi fought tooth and nail to allocate $25 million in relief funding to the Kennedy Center, they axed the National Symphony Orchestra from payroll.
Monday, March 30, 2020
5 Paradigm Shifts The Wuhan Crisis Has Revealed Americans Need
5 Paradigm Shifts The Wuhan Crisis Has Revealed Americans Need: While our first priority amid coronavirus must be neutralizing immediate threats to safety, the disruption prompts us to engage in national reflection.
Read Biden Accuser's Account Of His Alleged Sexual Assault
Read Biden Accuser's Account Of His Alleged Sexual Assault: The ball is in voters' court to consider whether his accuser is telling the truth, and what that means for Biden's qualifications as a presidential hopeful.
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Media Peddle Bogus Wuhan Virus Stats To Bash America
Media Peddle Bogus Wuhan Virus Stats To Bash America: Many in the media enthusiastically relish the claim that the United States has more people infected with the Wuhan virus than China does.

Corrupt Liberal Media
$2 Trillion Coronabailout Proves Crony Capitalism Knows No Bounds
$2 Trillion Coronabailout Proves Crony Capitalism Knows No Bounds: Unfortunately the largest spending package in American history is ample with handouts, opening a potential minefield of corporate irresponsibility.
Covid-19 Lead Demands Media Stop Scaring With Lies About Shortages
Covid-19 Lead Demands Media Stop Scaring With Lies About Shortages: There is no evidence that when Americans ‘need a hospital bed it’s not going to be there,’ says Coronavirus Task Force leader Dr. Deborah Birx.

Corrupt Liberal Media
Saturday, March 28, 2020
NYT Op-Ed Blames Christians, Not China, For Spread Of Wuhan Virus
NYT Op-Ed Blames Christians, Not China, For Spread Of Wuhan Virus: A New York Times op-ed published Friday is casting blame on the evangelical movement for the epidemic of the Wuhan coronavirus plaguing the nation.

Corrupt Liberal Media,
Trump’s Approval Is Spiking, And The Left Can’t Stand It
Trump’s Approval Is Spiking, And The Left Can’t Stand It: President Trump has stepped up his game in response to the Chinese Virus. The American people see, and the leftist media can't stand it.

Corrupt Liberal Media,
Donald Trump
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
The Virus Is Serious, But Shutting Down Isn’t The Long-Term Answer
The Virus Is Serious, But Shutting Down Isn’t The Long-Term Answer: What to do about the U.S. economy in the wake of the Wuhan virus? The answer requires a mix of both short-term suppression and then long-term mitigation.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Bill O'Reilly is Fed Up With Pelosi and the Democrats
Dems+Load+Virus+Relief+Bill+with+Socialist+Policies: People are dying and this is what the Democratic Party is throwing out.
Nancy Pelosi's Very Bad Decision To Hold The Country Hostage
Nancy Pelosi's Very Bad Decision To Hold The Country Hostage: This is a Democrat wish list, at a time hundreds are dying, thousands are losing their businesses, and millions are out of work.
Joe Biden, Likely Democratic Nominee, Gives Up On Being Articulate
Joe Biden, Likely Democratic Nominee, Gives Up On Being Articulate: Former Vice President Joe Biden, having pretty much tied up the Democratic presidential nomination seems to have finally given up on sounding articulate.
Monday, March 23, 2020
Will The Costs Of A Great Depression Outweigh Risks Of Coronavirus?
Will The Costs Of A Great Depression Outweigh Risks Of Coronavirus?: Federal and state governments are making a massive gamble about a little-understood new virus. They are betting our future as a nation.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
A Majority Of Voters Approve Trump’s Handling Of Chinese Virus
A Majority Of Voters Approve Trump’s Handling Of Chinese Virus: After a bumpy few weeks, the Trump administration has found a firm footing in its response to Chinese Virus.
Predictions: What Will America Look Like After The Wuhan Coronavirus?
Predictions: What Will America Look Like After The Wuhan Coronavirus?: What will be the long-term impact of the Wuhan virus on the economy, higher education, homeschooling, jobs, Congress, and American politics as we know it?
Stop The Coronabailout From Raining Your Money On Corporate Lobbyists
Stop The Coronabailout From Raining Your Money On Corporate Lobbyists: Congressional leaders are likely to put a very ugly deal out, and if it passes, America may be unrecognizable after this pandemic.
Mike Bloomberg Lied About Everything
Mike Bloomberg Lied About Everything: People who were paid to tell America who Mike Bloomberg really is are finding out who Mike Bloomberg really is.
No, CNN, 'Humanity' Is Not Responsible For Wuhan Virus. China Is
No, CNN, 'Humanity' Is Not Responsible For Wuhan Virus. China Is: The corporate news media is carrying communist China's water by deflecting blame for the coronavirus,
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
A little perspective helps
A little perspective helps: What's worse? The rapid spread of a novel virus that originated in China or the media hysteria created and broadcast around the world? If it was the intent of the American media to create a state of fear and panic, they've succeeded brilliantly. The dissemination of information pertinent to the virus has morphed into a murky river of rumors, innuendo, outright lies, and blather proffered by pundits who are neither doctors nor experts on much of anything other than opinionating. Despite the media hype, COVID-19 is not the first world pandemic, and it won't be the last.
Despicable: Joe Biden is trying to lie his way into the White House
Despicable: Joe Biden is trying to lie his way into the White House: Joe Biden's gaffes, plagiarisms, fantasies, brain farts, inchoate gibberings, and meltdowns about himself are well known, but there's also his propensity to lie about others�-- calmly, matter-of-factly, and quite outrageously.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Welcome to Homeschooling, America!
Welcome to Homeschooling, America!: Here in Georgia, the mass hysteria about the coronavirus has caused the governor to declare a “public health state of emergency.” He has advised public schools and daycare centers to close for two weeks in order to curb the opportunities ...
How Coronavirus Will Strengthen Trump's 2020 Campaign
How Coronavirus Will Strengthen Trump's 2020 Campaign: While the mainstream media have been running around yelling that the sky is falling and the left is criticizing Trump for not acting fast enough in curtailing the spread of the coronavirus, here's how it will end up helping Trump during his re-el...
Contrary To What The Media Told You, Trump Didn't Weaken Bio-Defenses
Contrary To What The Media Told You, Trump Didn't Weaken Bio-Defenses: The misconception stems from a reorganization of the NSC to reduce its size and streamline its functions after having ballooned in the bureaucracy.
A Plan To Save Main Street From The Coronavirus Economic Crisis
A Plan To Save Main Street From The Coronavirus Economic Crisis: Speaker Nancy Pelosi's coronavirus bill is not enough. And for any hope of keeping the U.S. economy from free fall, its deficiencies must be addressed.
Joe Biden Lies About Coronavirus Testing To Make Trump Look Bad
Joe Biden Lies About Coronavirus Testing To Make Trump Look Bad: Democratic presidential contender Joe Biden blatantly lied to the American public about the Trump administration’s handling of coronavirus testing.
Monday, March 16, 2020
Here's What Congress Must Do To Kill The Wuhan Virus - The Federalist
Here's What Congress Must Do To Kill The Wuhan Virus - The Federalist: Fatalism and inaction are deadly, while aggressiveness and innovation save lives. Congress must strike a balance to deal with the Wuhan virus.
Just Like Socialism, Bernie Collapsed Under His Own Contradictions
Just Like Socialism, Bernie Collapsed Under His Own Contradictions: In a single interview, Bernie Sanders may’ve demolished the effort to convince the American electorate he is a perfectly benign ‘democratic socialist.’
Friday, March 13, 2020
Didn’t Go To College? You Still Have Bail Out People Who Did
Didn’t Go To College? You Still Have Bail Out People Who Did: The federal student loan program has enriched Sallie Mae, private banks, and colleges, but exposed U.S. taxpayers to enormous financial risk.
Chuck Schumer's Threats Reveal Flaw In Dems Promise To 'Return To Normalcy'
Chuck Schumer's Threats Reveal Flaw In Dems Promise To 'Return To Normalcy': Erratic and threatening behavior from Democratic politicians may ultimately hurt Democrats' election efforts in 2020.
Monday, March 09, 2020
NYT Turns Story About Project Veritas Into Another Hoax About Trump
NYT Turns Story About Project Veritas Into Another Hoax About Trump: When the Old Grey Lady says something ‘is unclear,’ watch out. She’s telling you the evidence doesn’t justify the reporting, so innuendo shall suffice.

Corrupt Liberal Media,
Donald Trump
The Real Cost of 'Free'
When I think about something, anything, being free, I think of the air we breathe and water in a stream. Not much else comes to mind. Certainly not health care nor education.
Yet, our airwaves are filled with programs that promise free health care and education. The problem is, both health care and education have delivery systems, and so each cost money.
Health care requires things like hospitals, emergency rooms, doctors, doctor offices, nurses, physician assistants, medicines, X-rays, MRIs, etc. The problem is, each of these services and human medical professionals come at a cost. So how can health care ever be free?
Education requires things like schools and colleges and universities, buildings, administrations, and importantly, teachers and teaching tools — you know: books, pencils, tablets, computers, etc. The problem is, each of these services and human teaching professionals come at a cost. So how can education ever be free?
Hidden in the argument today for free health care is the true cost to each and every taxpayer in America. The proposed Medicare for All scheme is estimated to cost between $28 to $32 Trillion (12 zeroes) in the first decade. Compare that cost to the total annual US GDP of about $20 Trillion and you get a sense of the costs to all of us to make healthcare “free.”
If you listen carefully, you can hear the footfall of Uncle Sam coming with a huge new tax bill for all of us — and not just for one year, but for every year in the future. Hidden also is the impact that nationalized health care can, and likely will, have on the quality and availability of health care. Sure, we can achieve anything we have the will to do, including nationalized health care and maintaining the quality and availability of health care, but we must recognize there are huge new costs ($Trillions) to achieve these ideas. To be sure, health care is not now, and never can be free. Every taxpayer will pay many more taxes to achieve this dream.
Hidden in the argument for free education is the true cost; and as every property taxpayer knows, the cost for the delivery system of education increases every year. Today some would argue we have a free K-12 school system, but really, property taxes pay for our K-12 schools. Some folks believe because they don’t get a bill called “K-12 Education” that it’s free. It isn’t!
Look at property taxes as an example. So when you think about free college, realize we will need a national program to pay for free college that will look much like a new, and very expensive property tax scheme, but national in scope. Be sure, existing or new taxes will be increased annually to pay for “free” college.
It is time we understand when someone promises us something for free, we should not be fooled. When something is free, then we all pay for it. I personally believe those who today are promising you something for free will never deliver on that promise, due to the costs they today refuse to recognize and communicate to you.
State Sen. Bob Mensch is a Republican who represents Pennsylvania's 24th Senatorial District in parts of Bucks, Berks and Montgomery counties.
Yet, our airwaves are filled with programs that promise free health care and education. The problem is, both health care and education have delivery systems, and so each cost money.
Health care requires things like hospitals, emergency rooms, doctors, doctor offices, nurses, physician assistants, medicines, X-rays, MRIs, etc. The problem is, each of these services and human medical professionals come at a cost. So how can health care ever be free?
Education requires things like schools and colleges and universities, buildings, administrations, and importantly, teachers and teaching tools — you know: books, pencils, tablets, computers, etc. The problem is, each of these services and human teaching professionals come at a cost. So how can education ever be free?
Hidden in the argument today for free health care is the true cost to each and every taxpayer in America. The proposed Medicare for All scheme is estimated to cost between $28 to $32 Trillion (12 zeroes) in the first decade. Compare that cost to the total annual US GDP of about $20 Trillion and you get a sense of the costs to all of us to make healthcare “free.”
If you listen carefully, you can hear the footfall of Uncle Sam coming with a huge new tax bill for all of us — and not just for one year, but for every year in the future. Hidden also is the impact that nationalized health care can, and likely will, have on the quality and availability of health care. Sure, we can achieve anything we have the will to do, including nationalized health care and maintaining the quality and availability of health care, but we must recognize there are huge new costs ($Trillions) to achieve these ideas. To be sure, health care is not now, and never can be free. Every taxpayer will pay many more taxes to achieve this dream.
Hidden in the argument for free education is the true cost; and as every property taxpayer knows, the cost for the delivery system of education increases every year. Today some would argue we have a free K-12 school system, but really, property taxes pay for our K-12 schools. Some folks believe because they don’t get a bill called “K-12 Education” that it’s free. It isn’t!
Look at property taxes as an example. So when you think about free college, realize we will need a national program to pay for free college that will look much like a new, and very expensive property tax scheme, but national in scope. Be sure, existing or new taxes will be increased annually to pay for “free” college.
It is time we understand when someone promises us something for free, we should not be fooled. When something is free, then we all pay for it. I personally believe those who today are promising you something for free will never deliver on that promise, due to the costs they today refuse to recognize and communicate to you.
State Sen. Bob Mensch is a Republican who represents Pennsylvania's 24th Senatorial District in parts of Bucks, Berks and Montgomery counties.

Bernie Sanders,
Sunday, March 08, 2020
Media Suddenly Interested In Running Interference For Hunter Biden Again
Media Suddenly Interested In Running Interference For Hunter Biden Again: The media appears to have tied Hunter Biden investigations exclusively to efforts to defend Trump and derail Joe Biden’s campaign.
Soviet Union Documents Reveal Plans To Exploit Bernie Sanders For 'Propaganda'
Soviet Union Documents Reveal Plans To Exploit Bernie Sanders For 'Propaganda': In a letter seeking approval from Gorbachev to travel to the United States, Yaroslalv officials made the case for using Sanders as a means of Soviet propaganda.
Thursday, March 05, 2020
Hemingway: If Bloomberg Couldn't Buy 2020, How Did Russia Buy 2016?
Hemingway: If Bloomberg Couldn't Buy 2020, How Did Russia Buy 2016?: If Russia influenced 2016 with $200,000 in Facebook ads, why couldn't Mike Bloomberg get more than 50 delegates with $600 million?
The 2020 Race Is Now A Referendum On Barack Obama
The 2020 Race Is Now A Referendum On Barack Obama: There is a new candidate in the Democratic primary. His name is Barack Obama.
Wednesday, March 04, 2020
Chief Justice Roberts Blasts Schumer's Threats As 'Inappropriate' And 'Dangerous'
Roberts Blasts Schumer's Threats As 'Inappropriate' And 'Dangerous': 'Threatening statements of this sort from the highest levels of government are not only inappropriate, they are dangerous,' said the chief justice.
Democrat Senate Leader Schumer Threatens Kavanaugh, Gorsuch: ‘You Will Pay The Price’
Schumer Threatens Kavanaugh, Gorsuch: ‘You Will Pay The Price’: During a pro-choice advocacy speech, Sen. Chuck Schumer made threatening remarks about Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.
Sunday, March 01, 2020
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