
Friday, October 10, 2008

CNN exposes how ACORN steals votes and ties to Obama

Even the liberal media can't ignore the massive voter fraud campaign funded by Barack Obama, who donated $800,000 to ACORN earlier this year.

RNC: CNN Exposes How ACORN Steals Votes & Ties to Obama

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must confess that I was shocked by CNN's Anderson Cooper last night, talking about Obama and his ties to Acorn. They must be afraid of what an Obama presidency will bring, like bringing the country down and CNN with it. Could it be that CNN's balloon finally busted? It's amazing what reality does when it actually happens. Maybe there will be a chain reaction in the media as there is in our markets. The dastardly deeds of the Dems and their buddies in the MSM may be coming home to roost as in the infamous words of the Reverend Wright. The McCain camp needs to connect the words of the Reverend to what is happening in our markets, as I just mentioned above. The collapse of the market is a product of the Carter, Clinton and the last 2 years of Dem control of congress, specifically Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and yes, Obama! As the man at the McCain campaign rally said: GO GET THEM!