
Friday, August 08, 2008

Dems caught in the cookie jar again

Another excellent Letter to the Editor originally published in The Mercury. This one is about the Democrats involved in the Bonusgate corruption scandal. The writer raises a good point. Why should taxpayers be tapped again to help pay for the defense of people who are accused of misusing public funds in the first place?
Caught in the cookie jar

I read with great interest how the Democrats in Harrisburg have already spent over $1,400,000 on attorney fees to try to bail themselves out of giving and receiving unlawful bonuses for campaign workers and helpers and no-show workers.

What if I work for someone and take money from my employer or I take money from the employer, the same employer we both work for? This money was not authorized to be paid by the employer.

Now just figure myself and another employee who gave me the money get caught with our fingers in the cookie jar. Some are arrested and others are reprimanded. Just think, you, me and every other taxpayer in Pennsylvania are these thieves' employers.

They stole tax dollars from each and every one of us, whether they were given it by the crooked politicians or they were the politician giving our tax dollars away. Now these thieves have the nerve to spend $1.4 million of our tax dollars for more crooked lawyers to save their butts.

This is sad!

Just imagine stealing money from your employer and then having your employer foot the bill for your attorney. Chances are the attorneys hired are butt buddies of the thieves anyway.

We as taxpayers need to get together as a group and demand this money stolen as bonuses and attorney fees be paid back with interest. After they repay what was taken, fire the aides and vote out the ones who gave the bonuses.

This should send a message to slick Eddie. It's time the little man gets a break. Vote them all out.


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